Something Rather Personal :)

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A/N- Hello, I came to address an issue I've recently had with myself, regardless of the situation - I felt it was appropriate to share my problem and only hope to prevent others from these unfortunate scenarios.


First things first, I used to preform self-harm. Honestly, at first I only did it because my friends seemed so withdrawn in seeing if I did it because I had a speck blood on my jacket. I was confused at what they were saying. It was until I tried the concept that I felt so happy. I wished that people would maybe actually notice and feel bad for me because my parents seemed so obsessed with letting me get into a successful job as I grew older. Of course, I'm still young and haven't even turned thirteen yet.

Months passed and I continued the cycle. I showed my friends but then I realized they didn't care after a while. It angered me, I wanted someone to love me. I think that dating at such a young age is absolutely disturbing. Yet, I found myself wanting to feel that brief moment of knowing that someone cared. I developed same-sex feelings after sixth grade. Writing omorashi was surprisingly, what formed my other beautiful kinks. After writing, I knew something was wrong with me. I stayed in house and didn't do homework like I usually did. I didn't cry, I didn't cut. I grew afraid of this feeling.

I knew it hurt, that's why it made me so afraid.

I just didn't want to feel pain. At school, I was really against the children dating. I was against sex, because I knew at their age that shouldn't even be a thing.....(I shouldn't be talking, should I.) I understand everyone has a different situation, I understand people in the world feel exactly how I feel.

That's all I had to say. I'm extremely open if you want to talk about anything. You're situation are extremely important, and if you feel like addressing it to someone, then please let me know. I will do everything and give you my all to help you try and fix it. I don't care if it was because you stole a dollar from a friend :) I'll be here. Talk to me on my other account, I will definitely be more active on that one!

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