Part 9 - " First Achievement !! "

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Precap : Sanskar's Accident, Shekhar warns Shomi..


Swara was continuously looking at the gate hoping to see Sanskar. Just then fitness coach Sir called her for her test. She went towards the fitness test area and starts giving all test. She was hell scared and nervous but at last she completes all test. Only one and last test left when Sahil comes there.

Swara gets tensed by looking at Sahil. She was going to another test station when suddenly her legs gets slipped and she was about to fall when at the neck of time someone's grab her by her waist. Swara closed her eyes tightly but feeling the touch she slowly opens her eyes and was shocked to see the person. Without saying anything she hurriedly hugs that person tightly and starts blabbering..

Swara : Where were you ? I was so hell scared. Please don't leave me SIR(I knw u all guessed it 😉) And sir (leaves him and looks at his wounds) Sir Ye kya !? (tears unknowingly comes in her eyes) Sir this wounds? Sanskar sir are you fine ? This (interrupt by Sanskar)

Sanskar: Stop Swara. Seriously how can you talk so much even without breathing? And I am fine.

Swara : No Sir, you are not fine. If you are fine then what about this wounds ? Sir please firstly come with me and have first aid..

Swara holds Sanskar's hand and drags him to the first aid but Suddenly swara's name gets announced for next test but Swara didn't pay attention towards that. Sanskar stops swara and immediately drags her to the fitness test area.

Swara : Sir please stop. At least have first aid otherwise your wounds will not get well.

Sanskar: Don't worry about it Swara. It's not important. Firstly go and have your test that's what is important for both of us now. So just go.

Swara : No Sir, I just can't live you like that. Sir just look at your wounds it needs to be heal I will not move an inch from here without giv( before Swara could say anything more, Sanskar puts his fingers on her mouth)

Sanskar : Stop it swara. (holds her from her shoulders and shouts angrily )Just stop it. Are you a kid? Why are you being so caring Towards me haa ? You don't need to do all this? Can't you understand my language now do what your Coach is telling, just go and have your test first. Go

Swara's eyes filled with waters but she couldn't do anything. She looks at Sanskar and went for test.

Sanskar(thinks in mind) : I'm sorry Swara. I know Today I have hurt you alot but it was necessary for our dreams. I am Really sorry.

A drop of tear escape from Sanskar's eyes. But one side he was feeling good to see swara's caring behaviour towards him but in front of his anger that feeling gets hidden somewhere.

Like this 4 days passed. Swara successfully completes her 4 days in the academy with little fear, nervousness and excitement. She gets good marks in her fitness test too. Sanskar was very happy to see this but he was feeling sad and guilt too because Swara was neither talked with him in these 4 days nor She's showing her bubbly nature with him.

It was 5th day in her academy and today she have a badminton match. She wants Sanskar with her today, to encourage her but her anger couldn't accept it. She was walking through corridor when someone grabs her by her hands

Swara : AAHHH (shouts) Ap !?

Sanskar: Yes Mai. What's wrong with you swara ? Why are you behaving like a Kid. Listen now carefully today you have your badminton match so all the best play well ok..

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