Part 19 - Sanskar's Past !!

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||__Tu Jo Saath Ho__||
•• Dreams Leads To Love ••
• •Epi 19 • •

Swara : I will not let this happen. Never. I will make you realize our love Sanskar !!

She sits in the corner of the bed and starts thinking how to confess her love in front of Sanskar. Each time she was thinking a plan, Sanskar's angry face flashes in her mind ..

Swara(starts shouting) : No. No. No. This can't happen .. I need to think for a better plan haaa. But firstly I need to know about Sanskar's past because that's the reason mom told me to left badminton.

She went to meet Sujata to talk about Sanskar's past. Sujata was busy in Making lunch when Swara comes and hugs Sujata.

Sujata : Swara (smiles as getting a DIL like A Child) You are A kid.

Swara : Really ??!!

Sujata : Yes ..

Mom. Can I ask you a question ??

Sujata: Sure Swara !! Ask na.

Swara: Mom I want to know about Sanskar sir past. I want to know the reason for what you have told me to forget badminton Mom. please Mom. 

Sujata (places her hand on Swara's shoulder) : I knew Swara you will surely come to me to ask this question and you know what I appreciate your this step because it's your right to know everything about your husband.

Swara (smiles) : Then please Mom. tell me

Sujata : Swara firstly promise me that you will not tell Sanskar that I have told about his past. Promise me ??!! Because I want Sanskar to himself told you the truth.

Swara : Okay Mom. Promise

Sujata : Swara My Sanskar was not like this from Starting. He used to be a very fun loving and happy person. You know when Sanskar was only 5 years old he started playing badminton. He used to play in school tournament and many other competition. Badminton was his hobby, Passion, Love and dream too. He always used to win each and every competition related to Badminton and his father always gave him gift to encourage him. But (while having tears in her eyes) That sahil snatched my Son's dreams. When Sanskar was all set to play Indian Badminton Championship .

•• Flashback ••
•• 5 years ago ••

Sanskar was packing his bag to leave for New Delhi To play championship, When sahil comes there.

Sahil : Sanskar (hugs him) All the best bro!!.

Sanskar (smiles and hugs him back) : Thanks sahil !!. Thanks for ur so much support from childhood.

Sahil : No need of thanks Sanskar. After all I m your childhood best frnd bro. ( he gives a water bottle to Sanskar) Wese ye ley !!. My mom sent you this glucose water and this lunch take it in the journey okay ??!

Sanskar : okay bro !!. bye

Sahil : Byee

Sanskar leaves for New Delhi while sahil was standing there only with a smirk on his face.

Sanskar reached New Delhi and was getting ready to play when he starts feeling drowsy and falls on the floor. Later when he opens his eyes, he found himself in the hospital with loads of Media and His family member standing outside the ward.

He stepped out from the Ward and was shocked to listen the questions of Media.

Reporter 1 : Mr. Sanskar how could you do this ??! How Can you use such cheap things to win the match??!

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