8 - Please say you remember

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Rose's POV:

Justin hates my guts, of course hes going to do something like this. I got assured by the cops that he wouldnt be bothering me again, well hes got 3 weeks in prison, hopefully he will back off.

"Rose, how old are you?" The nurse asked me.

"16, i think"

"Hun, your 22" Huh? "You understand you lost some of your memory, right?"

"I only seem to remember the bad" I sighed.

"Well your memory should come back pretty soon, so we wont stress you too much, you might even do something and remember everything, its that simple, you've got a few cuts and bruises but they will heal up, your friend Olivia will stay with you in your home" I have a home?

"Um okay" I told her as i totally knew what was going on. "Is Justin, gone?"

"Yes, hes been taken away, your alright, okay?" I nodded, about time. "Anything you can remember of what hes done, its in the past, im sure"

"But hes the only one i could think of doing this, to me at least, or that bitch Selena" I growled under my breath.

"Well Justin was also in the car"

"But he got out hardly damaged"

"That wasnt certain you would be more hurt than him" She told me, i just sighed and closed my eyes, trying to forget about this whole thing. "Olivia did mention a boyfriend though" My eyes shot open.

"Whats his name?"

"Josh, she said hes on his way" I smiled to myself, even though i couldnt remember him, i was happy i actually moved on in my life.


"Hey baby" A tall, brown haired man walked in to sit on my bed.

"Y-Your josh?" I asked, he was quite cute, he looked strong.

"Yeah, dont remember me baby?" I shook my head.

"Vaguely" I replied.

"Well we have a lot of catching up to do" He told me and kissed my cheek, i felt butterflies in my stomach.

Justin's POV:

I was dying in here, it had been 5 days, 5 days in this hell hole but i had some time to think about things, such as how i ended up in this dumbass place. Its not the first time i must say, my files packed with shitloads of stuff, mainly why they wanted me in here, they cops here hated my guts.

"I see your back Bieber" I looked up as i heard a familiar voice, i shot up to my feet and over to my railings, it was Jason, Jason McCann, yes the bomb loader. "What you do this time?" He asked me.

"Apparently i tried to kill my girlfriend, shes lost her memory and she thinks it was me"

"Ah, girlfriend?" Shit. "Your married, right Justin? With a kid on the way?" See hasnt been that long since i was sat in here.

"Im back with Rose"

"Ah her, the one you treated like shit" He chuckled

"Shes with uh Josh" I managed to say.

"Josh? Josh Josh?"

"Yes fucking Josh, you only know one badass Josh"

"Hes the damn reason i ended up in here, 2 months left though" He smirked.

"Yeah but now shes lost her memory, he fucking beat her the other night and now shes all his! Im stuck in this fucking mess! Selena kicked me out! Shes getting an abortion, i ran into Rose by accident, but im glad i did"

"Yo, you want me to, uh help her?"

"Really? You'd do that?"

"For a price" Damn i knew Jason would do this.

"Like?" I questioned.

"You let me have her for a day when i get out of here, you let me do whatever i want to her" I gulped, "You want her to have help? Or not" He spat.

"Fine but i swear if you hurt her-"

"You can trust me Bieber, she'll love it" He smirked.

"So what are you doing to help?"

"I got some people in here, i've been here in and out for years, i basically know everyone and they have connections Justin, Josh will be gone in no time"

"Good, if not your dead meat, understood?"

"It might take a few days to get the message through but sure" He told me "I gotta get back to my cell, how long you here for?"

"I've been in here nearly a week so 2 weeks left"

"Damn Bieber, thats short"

"Tell me about it" I groaned.

"Well, see ya" He told me and walked away with his guard which was standing near by.


Rose's POV:

A week and a half later and im not really remembering much, i thought things would come back, y'know being with Josh, when we kiss i thought i saw him in my head but it was something i couldnt even describe, it could have easily been Justin. But no one knows that.

There was loud banging on my door, i walked over, Olivia moved out a few days ago, she thinks im alright on my own now but it gives me and Josh more privacy. I opened the door and saw a very angry looking Josh in front of me.

"You fucking bitch" He growled, walking in as he slammed the door and grabbed my arms, dragging me up to my room as i was screaming and struggling, he threw me on the bed so i was flat on my back and wouldnt let me free.

"What happened to you?!" I yelled after seeing the bruises and cuts on me.

"Fucking Bieber happened" He spat.

"H-Hes in prison" I told him, quite scared.

"But hes got connections baby and one is fucking Jason McCann, the worst criminal in town hes only 19 but hes bad, and they did this, wanna know why?" I gulped 


"Because Justin knows me you've just forgotten your love for him but he still loves you unbelieveably, hes sat in that jail cell when it wasnt even his fault at all, it was mine"

Then it hit me, it was Justin in my mind, it was me kissing him, then everything came back until i felt a sharp quick pain flash against my cheek, he hit me. "Y-You tried to kill me!" I screamed.

"Well done baby, remembered?"

"You know i think i like that Jason kid, he knows where to shoot" I said and hit him, his eyes turned red as he went to grab me as i rolled off the bed and ran down the stairs, out into the pissing rain and in my car, straight to the cells.


She remembers...


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