19 - Sorry

535 19 4

Rose's POV:

"You know i still love you, right?" Justin said.

"Yeah.. about that.."

"What? You've replaced me already"

"Justin im sorry"

"Whats his name? Do i know him? How long have you known him? I havent seen any pictures of-"

"Its Jason" I saw Justin's face drop and turn white in a split second.

"McCann?" I nodded. "Thats why he hasnt been talking to me fuck it" Finally our food came.

"Justin im sorry"

"How long?"

"6 months maybe.."

He sighed "Fucking Jason McCann you couldnt have picked a worse boyfriend, could you?"

"You wasnt much fucking better!" I growled. "Oh and this is yours" I said, placing the engagement ring on the table.

"You still have it?"

"I shouldnt, Josh took it but i got it back" I said, pushing it more over to him as we continued to eat.

"Im just surprised you kept it"

"It brought back memories" I weakly smiled.

"You know, this doesnt mean we cant be best friends right?"

"I like the sound of that" I smiled.

"But i didnt mind the stuff we did today" He winked.

"Well lucky you because you wont see it again" I giggled.

"Does Jason know?"

"Oh yeah, he was a little put out but he understood"

"Do you want a lift home?"

"Do you mind?" 

"No, i dont really wanna go home anyway" He sighed.

"Why not?"

"Scooters staying with me for a few days because his house got flooded, he wont shut up its so annoying" He chuckled.

"You can stay at mine if you want as y'know your my best friend" 

"Thanks, i'll just stop off and grab some things" I nodded.


Me and Justin were currently lying on my couch watching a film, my choice as i never get to choose, about half way through Jason called and i could tell Justin wasnt very happy.

"Hey babe" I smiled to myself as i answered.

"Hey, you at home?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I was wondering if i could come round?"

"Uh not tonight, im not feeling very well"

"Aw i could cuddle you and make you feel better"

"No Jas i look a mess, tomorrow, yeah?"

"Sure Rose, if you need anything call me please"

"Yeah course, love you"

"Love you too" I hung up and placed my phone on the table.

"What did he want?"

"He wanted to come round actually, i said no because if he saw you here he'd kill you" I told him, laying back in his arms.

"Are you still scared, of y'know Josh"

"No, why?"

"I was just wondering because you know hes locked up now and hes got years left in there, he wont be coming near you"

"Yeah i know" I nodded.

"Remember that time we raided the principles office and dug out our files" I giggled.

"Yes and then he found us and your mom chased him round the damn school"

"Yeah" He chuckled. "The good days"

"We still had good days and we're gonna have a lot more, just as friends, we need to find you a girlfriend"

"Woah no"

"Justin please let me help you, i can maybe hook you up with one of my friends from work"

"A-A model?"

"No dumbass a window cleaner, of course a model, we're all having a meeting tomorrow at 1:30 so i'll talk to her, her names Jenny, shes really nice"

"Oh, i've seen her in pictures, shes cute i guess"

"This is gonna be so fun!" I smiled.


"You can change in here, you know that" Justin told me as i walked back in to my bedroom.

"Its weird" I shrugged. 

I made my way over to the bed and got in, tapping the empty space next to me for him. "Same bed? You sure thats a good idea?"

"If me and Jenny are friends and we share a bed, cant we?" I asked, laughing.

"Fine move over im not that skinny" He said as he hopped in next to me, he looked a little taken a back as i laid in his arms.

"Do you do this to Jason?" He asked.

"What? Lay on him?" I giggled.


"Obviously, but we're just a bit closer, your my boy best friend and i've really missed you" I smiled at him.

"I missed you too" He said as he played with my hair as i slowly fell asleep.


"Hey Jen" I smiled.

"Oh hey Rose!" She grinned and wrapped her arms around me.

"You are single right?"

"Yes, stop reminding me" She giggled.

"Well i was wondering if you would like to go on a date with uh Justin, Bieber"

"Your ex?"

"Yeah well, we've met up again and we're good friends but he needs a girlfriend and i thought you'd be perfect and he thinks your cute"

"Really?" Her face lit up.

"Heres his number" I said, passing the piece of paper to her which i wrote his number on earlier. "Maybe you could meet up and just talk" I shrugged.

"Thank you" She grinned "Anyway hows you and Jason? Do you know what hes doing for your birthday on friday?"

"Hes teasing me and its getting annoying"

"Well your not far off being 23" God i seem so old. "Justin's 23, right?"

"Yup, and you'll be there in 4 months" 

"Well maybe if i do get with Justin we can all go our for your birthday meal"

"I dont know, Justin and Jason are not really the best of friends at the moment"

"Does he know your seeing him?!"

"Dont say it like that" I chuckled "And no, im planning to tell him tonight, hopefully he wont mind, we havent really mentioned him, he didnt even say much about him when i brought up the video"

"How was that by the way?"

"Awkward but im glad i did it, like i said we're friends again"

"And your okay with that?"

"Yeah, why wouldnt i be? I've moved on, hes moved on, its good" 


Have they really moved on?

All Bad - Sequel to My Best Friends Brother BLSWhere stories live. Discover now