14 - Distant..

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Rose's POV:

-2 Months Later-

I was in a bad mood. I had been held back at work until two this morning and my throat was hurting from singing so much. I loved my fans, but sometimes I get so exhausted. Hopefully by the time I got home Rose would have cooked dinner and left it on the table. I was currently staying with her after Selena and Josh have been distant.

Hopefully she would be asleep upstairs, in our shared bed. But as I opened the door to the dim colors of the T.V. screen and Rose curled up on the couch, I knew that I was wrong. She had been waiting for me this whole time. A pang of guilt hit my stomach when I remembered that I told her I would’ve been home by 9. I took in her beauty in its entirety, she was in fetal position and her lips were turned up in the slightest. Her smile always left me breathless. I tiptoed to the kitchen, trying to be as soft as possible. I was obviously being too loud, because I heard the couch shift. Rose’s face was no longer soft and sweet, it was now cold and hard.

“Hey babe.” I said, offering her a sorry smile.

“Where the hell have you been, Justin?!” She shot, completely ignoring my greeting.

“Um, I told you babe, I was at work.” I explained.

“You said you would be at work ‘till nine. Justin, it’s,” she looks at the glowing red letters on the clock, “two thirty! Justin, it’s two thirty.” She says, shocked at the time and disappointed in me.

“It’s not my fault that Scooter made me rerun the whole new album!”

“Today might not be your fault, but what about the other days, Justin? What about the days you went out partying, or to the bar, completely forgetting about me at home? You’ve been home for less than two weeks and you spent most of that time with anyone but me. Why?”

“Jesus, Rose, when did you become so needy? Maybe this is why I don’t want to spend any time with you. Because you’re so damn clingy!”

“Excuse me?” Rose stepped back as if I had punched her in the stomach.

"We’re growing apart. I don’t even know if you want this anymore especially having to deal with Josh and Selena" She added softly, more vulnerable.

"Maybe I don’t." I exasperatedly threw my hands up the air.

Tears started leaving Rose’s eyes. My eyes softened, I made Rose cry. It’s not even the fact that I yelled, but its what I yelled. I didn’t mean one word of it. I knew the consequences. The silent treatment, sleeping on the couch for days, no kissing, no talking, no love, no Rose. I moved towards her, my arms extended, my eyes begging for forgiveness. She just moved away.

"Fine!" She squeaked out, and I could tell she was trying to stop her tears.

"Rose, I-"

"Save it." She said, and I watched as she stormed up to our room.

"Guess I’m sleeping on the couch tonight." I mumbled to myself, and set up a bed on the couch.

As a result of the fight and the increasingly more painful sore throat, I didn’t sleep comfortably last night. I was tossing and turning, hating myself and coughing the whole night. I guess Rose heard me, because she came to check on me a couple of times.

I pretended I was asleep. I wish I didn’t, because then I would have gotten a chance to talk to her one last time. What if it was the last time? The fact she was gone in the morning made me feel even guiltier. I started crying. I’m still crying. I just woke up and went to our room. She wasn’t there. Her purse and keys are gone. I’m such an asshole. I told her I didn’t want her anymore. People say that you never know what you have until its gone. I appreciated her, I knew what I had. So why did she have to leave? I thought she would always be mine.

"You’re so stupid, Justin! Why the fuck do you have to be such an asshole? You let the one that you wanted go because you’re a fucking douche. Fuck you!" I yell at myself. In my outburst, I flip the coffee table over, and a light pink piece of paper flutters to the floor. I reach to read it, but the door suddenly opens, and in walks Rose.

"Where the fuck were you?" I growl and push her against the wall. "I thought you fucking left me! I started crying for fucks sake! I-I, just don’t do that ever again, alright? Jesus, Rose." I yell.

I saw the fear in Rose’s eyes. I hate myself even more for fucking up a second time. She runs upstairs and drops the plastic bags she was holding. I pick them up and see cold medicine.

“Dammit!” I run after her. I’m not going to let her go again. She shuts the door just as I hit the top stair. I groaned.

“Rose, c’mon. Open the door.” I leaned against the door and slid down it.

“No, Justin. I can’t. I don’t want to see you right now.” Rose silently sobbed through the door. The fact that she couldn’t even bear to look at me was like an arrow in my chest.

“Circles, we’re going in circles. Dizzy’s all it makes us. We know where it takes us, we’ve been before.” I softly sung one of her favorites. (it’s from 1D)

“Justin stop, you’re sick.” Rose demanded. Her sobbing had ceased.

“Closer, maybe looking closer, there’s more to discover. Find out what went wrong without blaming each other,” I finished with a weak smile on my face, “Can you forgive me, Rose? You mean too much to me.” Rose opened the door a tiny crack.

She looks at me, tear streaks on her face, and I could tell she was upset. I don’t want her to be sad. I never ever want her to look at me with such gloom. I pulled her close to me, and my shirt started to get wet because she was sobbing into it. I held her closer and I could feel myself crying as well.

"I’m so sorry, babe. I’m an absolute ass. I don’t want you to leave, but I understand if you want to. I’ll do anything to make you stay. I’ll stop partying. I’ll cut work short. Anything. It’s just, I love you. I just want you to know that. Im here to protect you, look i know ever since Josh has escaped and all this shit has happened, i've fucked everything up, i thought i could start singing again, go to clubs and everything would go away, but i was dickhead Rose, i know"

She looked up at me, tears streaming down her face, and stood on her tippy-toes to give me a kiss.

"I wasn’t going to leave in the first place. I need you. You know I do. You’re my rock. My rock that is an ass. My rock that’s so stupid.” She lightly slapped my chest. I smiled and held her closer.

She reached up to feel my forehead and quickly pulled her hand away in shock. “Ouch Justin, you’re burning!” She walked over to the plastic bags that she had dropped earlier and took out a bottle of cough syrup. She started to measure out the right amount, speaking to me sternly as she poured the bright pink liquid into the cap. She handed me the medicine as she rambled on. “Now Justin, I went to the store and got you this medicine. You have to take it, don’t even try to protest, I want you to be better before work tom-“ 

“I love you, Rose” I interrupted. I heard her pause. The fingers that were tracing patterns on my chest stopped and started shaking.

“I-I love you too, Justin. You know that.” She stuttered. My heart fluttered. I couldn’t stop myself from kissing her. I bent down and lifted her chin up. We stared into each other’s eyes. I bent down and pressed my lips against hers. I knew right then, that this girl was going to be forever mine no matter what. She pulled away with a pout.

“Now I’m going to get sick.” She said.

“Don’t worry. We can just watch movies together.” I told her. Her face immediately pulled into a grin. She ran to the TV and put on some sappy sweet movie. I laughed at her eagerness. This was what I wanted. Not to be practicing with a sore throat, but to be spending time with the girl I loved. I was never going to let her go. Wherever she is, I’ll be right next to her. This girl is the one that I want, and I’m so happy that she’s mine.


Justin isnt coping...

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