21 - I love you

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Rose's POV:

"Rose?" Jason said as i pulled away from Justin, acting as normal as i could.

"Oh sorry i went to get him, are we leaving?"

"Yeah, Jen's already in the cab, c'mon" I nodded and followed him, Justin behind.

The ride back to mine was extremely awkward, i dont think Jason had any clue of what we were doing and to be honest im a little scared myself. What came over me? Rose you have a boyfriend and he'll probably fuck you and Justin up if he ever finds out.

But what if i love him. Still.

He said him and Jen we're not good so hes hardly going to stick with her and if i just end things with Jason. No. Way.

As soon as we got home things started going wrong, starting when i tripped and covered Justin in chocolate milkshake.

"Im so sorry!" Im such a klutz.

I could tell he was annoyed. "Hey Justin go and have a shower" Jason chuckled "You can borrow some clothes." He said, trying to hold back his laughter, i just kept apologizing, even Jen was trying to stop herself from laughing.

"Thanks" He growled as he walked off up the stairs when everybody burst out in laughter.

"It wasnt that funny" I said as i took my seat next to Jason.

"Did you do it on purpose?" He laughed.

"No!" I growled.

"Guys i gotta head home, my sister needs me as my moms going out" She sighed as she hung up the phone.

"Jas you gotta take her."

"What? Why? Justin took her"

"Well Justin's in the shower and they came in the same car so go" I sighed.


"Tell Justin i'll text him" He doesnt like you.

"Yeah sure" I smiled.

"Thanks for tonight" She said, hugging me.

"Welcome" I grinned.

Home alone. Well i wasnt really home alone i just had my angry ex boyfriend in the shower probably going to beat the shit out of me when he came downstairs. Speaking of Justin..

"Justin im sorry" I said, turning around in my seat to see him walking in to the kitchen.

"Rose its fine dont worry" He chuckled as i followed him. "Where is everyone?"

"Jas is taking Jen home, she had to go."

"Oh" Was all he said as he stood against the kitchen counter, did i mention he only had sweats on?

"You should get more clothes on if Jason comes home-" He cut me off.

"You dont mind, its your house, right?"

"How do you know i dont mind?"

"Best friends dont mind anything" He teased as i walked over to him "Its a shame we got interrupted earlier." I was loosing myself. "You so wanted to kiss me"

"Why would i want to kiss you if i had a boyfriend?"

"Because you still love me and you havent forgotten about me just like i cant be your bestfriend i cant even be your friend Rose"


"Because i cant do this" He said, smashing his lips against mine, not soft either, rough, but i didnt mind, instantly kissing back.

"Jump" He mumbled as i did and wrapped my legs around his waist as he sat me on the kitchen counter. "When did he go out?"

"Like 20 minutes ago, he'll be home soon"

"Tell him your not feeling well"

"No, i cant, your cars on the driveway anyway"

"Gee girl, say i walked home i dont live that far, say its broken down, i dont know, does he have a key?"

I shook my head "When he knocks tell him that alright"

"Justin i dont know, y'know before.."

"Do you love me?"


"Do you?  Because i love you"

"I-I-" There was a knock at the door. "Yes" I told him.

"See you in a minute" He told me, kissing my lips once more as he walked up the stairs.

I walked over to the door and answered it. "Babe are you okay? You dont look so well"

"No i feel really ill, i think its something i ate"

"You wasnt feeling well the other day, i think your coming down with something babe"

"I think you should go, i dont want you catching anything"

"W-Wheres Justin?"

"Gone, i uh hes gone i didnt want him catching it either, his car um broke down, hes walked"

"I hate seeing you like this"

"Please, i'll be fine, promise" I smiled.

"Okay sure, if you need me call me, okay?" I nodded as i closed the door, letting out a big breath as i scurried up the stairs and entered my room which Justin had easily found.

"Gone?" He asked, i nodded.


When i woke up there was empty bed sheets next to me, i growled and sat up, there was a note.

"Sorry Rose i had to go, see you soon, 

love Justin xx"

I sighed and scrunched it up, throwing it in the bin, i grabbed my phone and saw 5 missed calls, all from Jenny and it was only 11:09. So i decided to call her back as i wondered around my room.

"Whats your big news?" I asked as i looked in the mirror, my jaw dropped to the floor when i saw the hickey on my neck. Shit.

"Justin invited me round his tonight! He said hes making us dinner! How cute is that?!"

"H-He what?" I asked, not believing her.

"Are you feeling better? Jason said you wasnt feeling well"

"Jen im fine alright? I-"

"So i was wondering if you could come round mine and help me decide what to wear as you know what Justin likes" You should borrow my damn dress i wore last night.

"Whatever, fine"

"Gee did i wake you?"

"No, just had a rough night, i'll be over in an hour" I said and hung up.

Fuck it makeup wont cover it, i'll just have to wear a scarf.

I got dressed, i wasnt really in the mood so i put on little makeup and headed out, making my way to her house.


Why is Justin going on dates with Jenny?


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