17 - Goodbye

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Justin's POV:

"Rose?!" I yelled as i walked through the front door.

The house was a tip.

Pictures were smashed.

Windows were broken.

Vases and furniture were turned over.

The whole place in ruins.

"Ros-" I began to yell as i walked over to the kitchen counter and saw a note on the side.

'To Justin,

Im sorry i have to leave like this, but i think its best we keep our distance from now on, im going away and im not coming back, i dont want to see you again, this was a mistake, i almost died Justin but all you do is care about yourself, dont try to contact me because im changing my number, so goodbye Justin,


My eyes swelled as like a river my tears began to flow.

Shes really gone.

For good.


"What do you mean gone?!" Jason raised his voice.

"Left me, gone! Gone fuck knows! Josh is still on the loose he could have her any second!"

"Justin, he handed himself in this morning" I looked up to him.

"H-Handed himself in?"

"Yeah" He nodded "Selena's whereabouts are unknown, but he handed himself in and confessed to everything"

"I need to go and see him" I said as i shot up from my seat where i got sat back down.

"Woah no, you'll make things worse"

"He obviously knows where she is!" I yelled.

"Justin calm the fuck down, you dont know that for sure, if i was Rose i would have left you long ago, you treated her like shit sometimes Justin, you'd yell and take it out on her! No wonder shes gone!"

"Just get out" I said quite calmly.


"I said get out" I spat, my head now in my hands.

"You can find someone else to do your drugs because im done with you until you get your head sorted because you dont need drugs Justin, your stronger than that, what are your fans gonna say ay?"

"Fans? What fans, if they know me they'd be gone just like Rose"

"Scooter? I thought you was serious about this whole singing thing again, clearly not" He said and slammed the door.

I love her.

So much.

It hurts.


-9 months later-

Rose's POV:

The only thing i managed to do was carry on modeling, they threatened to drop me if i lost anymore weight. Now that im happier, i've gained it back and i dont look like such a twig anymore.

Justin hasnt been coping, i've seen the news but hes been carrying on, just like me. To this day i dont know what that note said, but i had my ring.


"They're going to see me, aren't they? Im going to make it front page" I told Josh.

"Well then, put this on" He said, throwing his jacket over me. "Its big enough to hide your face" 

As i sat on the plane i reached in to my pocket, slowly feeling around, but then i got it. I slowly pulled out the diamond ring as i a weak smile lit my face up with joy. I had the ring.

**End Of FlashBack**

Sell it? No. It means to much. I put it on a necklace and wore it for good luck so it was always with me.

"Why did you want to speak to me?" I asked Morgan, my manager.

"Well, i know we did a questionaire with you a couple of months ago and you agreed to be in a music video as a lead girl or something" He shrugged.

"Yeah.. And.."

"Well we have an offer for you, well its not really an offer as we're starting to film tomorrow but um, your going to be the lead girl in the hold tight video" My massive smile faded as i heard 'hold tight' Only one artist with that song name, that is so recent.

"Justin Bieber"

"N-No!" I snapped.

"And why not?"

"I told you my past, i cant"

"Rose, its settled, tomorrow we start filming, i thought you'd be perfect for the job with your body, i mean, you mostly model underwear and trust me thats all you'll have on in that video" He chuckled, i gritted my teeth, wanting to slap him round the face. "dont worry, you'll get your money"

"I wasnt worried about the money" I spat.

"Well, um i'll see you tomorrow Rose, eh?"


Justin's POV:

"Right theres a model on the back of these cards, one on each of the three, im going to put them on the table and mix them up, you wont see whos on the front until you pick her, she will be your lead girl in hold tight" 

"Scooter..." I growled.

"C'mon its a bit of fun" He said as he laid them down and mixed them up. "You've met each of them before so it wouldnt really matter, go on"

I sighed and tapped one. "That one"

"Turn it over then" I rolled my eyes and picked it up, as i turned it round my eyes nearly fell out of my head, no fuck no.

"Rose?!" I growled.

"Oh, you got Rose. hm"

"Scooter!" I growled and turned the others over, Barbara and Cara. Fuck no Rose. "Shes my ex! She never wanted to see me again!"

"Well shes agreed"

"You knew i would pick her?!"

"No, i've phoned all their management, they didnt really get a choice, i'll just tell the other two its off, clear?"

"Fucking hell your gonna see some acting"

"Good, well it is a music video" I glared at him as he walked out.

This cant be happening.


How will this turn out then?

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