22 - Why are you doing this?

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Rose's POV:

"The purple one or the black one?" She questioned.

"The black one"

"I thought he liked purple?"

"He does but that ones all fluffy and just no" I told her as i was texting him but he wasnt replying.


"Sorry? What"

"I asked what shoes, the peach flat ones or the studded heels?"

"Oh uh the studded heels" I replied, going back to his text, thankfully he replied.

'I cant talk right now im busy x'  Busy my ass.

"Who are to texting? They seem to be more important than me"

"An old friend, Justin's sister" I lied, thinking about it i should talk to her.

"Oh" Was all she said.

"Look Jen i gotta go" I lied.

"What? So soon"

"Yeah" I said, grabbing my bag and standing up and walking down the stairs.

"Are you sure your okay?!" She yelled.

"Im fine! have fun later!" I shouted back before slamming the door.

I headed straight to the shops, i didnt often get drunk but when i did, i got drunk. I brought the bottles and headed to the river, sitting down in the grass by the edge, ignoring Jason's texts as i opened bottle by bottle and drank them down.

How did this get so fucked up? He tells me he loves and tells me he doesnt like Jenny when i confessed my feelings for him and he asks her round his house. Am i not good enough for him? Is she better than me? Fucking busy, yeah i dont think so.

After about an hour of sitting here and getting myself pissed i rose to my feet, making my way to Justin's house, i wasnt that drunk as i could atleast stand.

Roughly banging on the door and pushing past him when he opened it. "This is nice" I said, looking at the dinner table he set up before turning to him. 

"Shes gonna be here any minute get out Rose" He growled.

"Justin what happened? I thought you loved me" 

"Your drunk"


"I'll call Jason"

"Oh yeah and you can explain where i got this" I said, showing him the hickey on my neck which thankfully Jen didnt notice earlier.

He didnt say a word. "Then i'll show Jen which i went to see earlier, she seems pretty proud of herself now you just invited her round for dinner, didnt last night matter? How about i tell her"

"Rose dont, your not thinking straight, just go home"

"Am i not good enough for you Justin?" I asked as i pulled my shirt over my head. "Is this not good enough for you? Was this never good enough for you?"

"Rose its not funny anymore"

"Fucking answer me!" I said, going to hit him when he grabbed my arms and pinned me against the wall.

"Was last night not good enough for you?"

"You told me you loved me"

"I do"

"Then what are you doing with her" I growled as i heard a knock on the door.

"You gotta go now"

"Im not leaving, you tell her to leave, its me or her, im ready to end things with Jason"

"Justin?!" She yelled.

"Your ending it?"

"Well like i said, i love you, i mean what good is it if your with someone and you dont love them when you've always loved someone else"

"Fuck sakes go upstairs and stay in my room i'll be back and take this" He said, throwing me my shirt as i stumbled up the stairs.

Justin's POV:

Rose is right. I cant risk loosing her again so i have to end it. Right now.

"Jen i-i cant do this"

"W-What do you mean?"

"Im just not ready for a relationship right now, im sorry okay? I hope we can still be friends" She didnt look pleased.

"Have you seen Rose?"

"Uh no, why?"

"She left my house earlier and shes not answering Jason's calls we're worried."

"Havent seen her" I bit my lip.

"Fine" She said and walked away. 


I closed the door and walked up the stairs to find Rose asleep on the bed, christ. "Hey babe" I said as i laid next to her and stroked her hair.


"Its me"

"W-Wheres Jenny?"

"Gone, we're over i told you, i love you so much"

"I love you too" She said, snuggling up to me.

"Everyones worried about you" 

"I dont care, i want you and only you" She weakly smiled, gently leaning up to kiss my lips.

"You go to sleep and when you wake up and your feeling better we'll eat dinner alright?" I told her, she just nodded.


Rose's POV:

"Justin give me my top back!" I yelled, chasing hum around his house at 1am. "Justin!" I screamed as i fell on him in a heap.

"Well hello" I giggled, snatching my top from his hands and pulling it over my head.

"How about we tell Jason and the others where i am?"

"By that you mean?"

"Instagram" I giggled as he got out his phoned.

"Come here then" He chuckled, pulling me inbetween his legs, you could clearly see he had no shirt on and i didnt look great either.

He snapped a photo and put the caption as 'Got my baby back:*' I smiled and kissed him. 

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you more" He chuckled, attacking me with kisses.

Then our phones blew up with hate, love but the one that stood out was from Jason.

Jason McCann may i add.


Oh nooo

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