16 - From bad to worse.

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Justin's POV:

"You hear that?!" I yelled, kicking the boxes around the room.

"Justin calm down." Jason told me.

"My girlfriend is being raped in there and you expect me to calm down?!" I spat, hitting the walls. The hard steel walls.

"Whats shouting and raging going to do?!" He yelled as i slid down the wall, i heard her screams and shouts, my name being yelled but i could do nothing about it.

It was silent for about 20 minutes, we'd been in here a couple of hours until Selena opened the door, i charged over and pushed her out the way. "Where the fuck is Rose?!" I growled.

"Back room at the end."

"And where is Josh?"

"Gone" She smiled, i wanted to hit her but i needed Rose more.

"Jas stay out here and make sure he doesnt come back" I told him as i opened the door. I saw Rose on the floor, in nothing but my shirt, tear stained cheeks.

"Baby im here" She sobbed in my arms, i saw the bruises on her arms and legs, combined with cuts.

"Is he gone?" She sniffled.

"Gone? Next time i see him he'll be dead" I told her, kissing her head.

"I was so scared" She mumbled.

"I know, i know, your safe now, i promise, me and Jason are going to take you home, im so sorry i couldnt help" She said nothing, as she just lay in my arms.


Rose's POV:

"I dont know!" I yelled at the officers after being questioned.

"Look i dont think shes ready to be quesitoned at the moment i mean it was only two days ago" Justin told them, wrapping his arms around me.

"Right fine Bieber" He growled "I'll be back in a week, hopefully you can give me some more answers, in the mean time we will continue to search for him, also Gomez" I nodded as he stood up, Jason showing him the door.

"Babe hes right, you need to take a test" Justin nudged me.

"I know" I sniffled and wiped my eyes with my sleeve. "Not now" I told him, he just nodded.



"Justin its negative how many times do i have to tell you?!"

"I think we should go down to the hospital just to have it checked out"

"No! Im not pregnant with his baby!" I yelled and shot in to the livingroom, plunging down on the sofa.

"Whats up with you lately?! You've been so moody!" Justin charged in and yelled.

"I dont know! Maybe because of last week!" I spat back.

"Fuck it im going out" He said and grabbed his jacket.

"Have fun at the clubs Justin im glad im not one of those sluts you fuck" I growled.

"For your information i dont fuck anyone apart from you but you've changed my mind, maybe i will try something different, bitch" He muttered, but i still heard. 

I didnt dare look at him as he walked out and slammed the door shut. Fuck it.

Once he was gone i flooded out in tears, he really hates me. I got up and made my way in to the kitchen where i saw the back door open. Fucking Justin. I walked over and locked the door, when i turned around i got shoved against the door with a hand over my mouth.

"I'll let you in on a secret shall i?" I looked deep into Josh's eyes, mine filled with fear. "Justin doesnt love you, Justin is using you hunny just like he always does babe, he doesnt want you here as much as i do so im helping you out here, you take this million dollars and get out of this city, i dont care where just leave here, if not, i'll swap it round, Justin will be the one kicking you out after he finds out what you did" I gulped, i dared not to move.

"So i want you gone by tonight, how about you get packing while your fiance is busy with some chick" I nodded. "Go on then, im gonna watch you walk out that door" He said as he roughly let go of me, i hurried up the stairs as he slowly followed, yes i noticed the gun in his pocket.

I just grabbed a case and stuffed everything in it, trying to hold back my tears. "You wont be needing this" He said as he threw my phone out the window, smashing into millions of pieces as it hit the floor.

"If i find out you've had contact with Justin or Olivia or anyone your dead, understood?" I nodded, flinching everytime i heard something smash, usually it was a picture, or something important to me.

"Oh and babe you wont need this" He said, grabbing my hand as he whipped the ring off.

"Fucking give it back" I gulped.

"Chill, its in safe hands" He said as he looked at it. "This must be worth a lot of money"

"I wont ask again, give me the damn ring" I spat.

"How about no" He said as he slipped it in to his jacket pocket "Come on babe, stop this arguing, you gotta keep packing, Justin im sure will be back soon after hes let off some steam" I roughly threw my makeup in and everything that i could see, even a few of Justin's shirts, i could cuddle them at night like i usually do.

"Done miss?" I nodded, grabbing some tissues as i wiped my eyes as i got pulled out of the room, "how about we leave Justin a note? I'll write it, just stay there" He said as he slammed the car door, obviously locking it. Justin get the fuck home now.

"Done" He chirped as he got back in the car. "I think its time for the airport, dont you princess?"

"You said you'd watch me walk out of the house not get on the plane"

"Well i changed my mind, i like the sound of new york, thats a cool place" I shook and shivered, wiping my tears away which were flowing down my cheeks every minute, my mascara had run, make up in general was a mess but that was the least of my concerns right now.

But he did.

He watched me get on that plane.

And he stood there until it took off.




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