{Chapter Three}

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The sun sets slowly as me and Simon speak about our best friend, Joshua.

"I know you like him." Simon states.

He puts his whole weight on his arms, resting back and picking the grass beneath us.

"It's so obvious. Yet, Josh hasn't even realised." Simon adds.

I look at him sharply.

"He's too distracted by-by her." I bark in annoyance.

"True." Simon chuckles. "One day Josh will realise he made a mistake."

"Really? He never seemed to like me in that way." I say.

"I know." Simon agrees.

I sigh miserably and turn away from his gaze. I bite my lip and sniffle, holding back the tears. I don't want to cry, not over a stupid reason like this. The thing I know about Josh is when he's found a girl he likes, he will never forget her and try his hardest to get her. He wants Freya, not me.

"You don't need to cry over him." Simon says as he brings me in for a hug.

I didn't even realise I was crying until Simon wiped under my eyes. Simon softly rubs my shoulders.

"I-i just really like him." I sob, crying even more into Simons shoulder.

"Shh, I know. But it'll get better." Simon promises.

"It won't!" I raise my voice.

"Ell-" I cut off Simon.

"He loves Freya. You know what he's like! He's probably going to stay with her from the rest of his fucking life!" I shout, punching the ground furiously.

"Do you think acting like this will make him yours? You didn't show him how you truly feel, that's why he found someone else. Josh may love her, but he loves his best friend more, and that's you!" Simon says in anger, more pissed at Josh than me.


"How's Coraline?" I ask.

Simon looks out in the distance and sighs, running his fingers through his hair then looking straight into my gazing eyes.

"Fine." He says as he clears his croaky throat.

"Simon?" I call.

"What?" Simon bluntly answers.

I swallow hard at nothing in my throat.

"Are you angry at me?" I question, fiddling with my fingers.

I hear Simon sigh deeply, but then hug me with his arm around my shoulders. I rest my head on his shoulders and close my eyes.

"No, of course not." Simon replies.

I smile.

"I'm glad you're my best friend, Simon. Thank you." I thank.

"It's fine." Simon yawns.


"Joshy!!" Freya squeals as soon as Josh opens the door, causing Josh to let go off my hand.

I frown and watch the two. They both pull away after a solid two minutes. Her. She's way prettier than me. I can see why Josh loves her. She's better than me.

"Freya, this is Ellie. She's my best friend." Josh introduces.

Freya shoots her eyes directly at me, grinning at me forcefully.

"You're that girl who got me and Joshy together!" Freya squeaks.

She hugs me tightly.

"Don't try anything. I know you like Josh. But he's mine, and it'll stay that way." Freya threatens, whispering sharply into my ear, her words loud.

I gulp.

She removes her arms off me and pats my shoulder.

"Frey, let's go into the other room." Josh addresses.

She stares at me for a minute. "Oh, sure babe. Come on ellie."

I follow the couple behind lazily, not even wanting to be here. Simon looks at me and saw how uncomfortable I was.

"Ellie, can I talk to you for a second?" Simon asks.

I nod, "yes, sure."

I follow Simon to the kitchen.

"Do you still like Josh?" He asks.


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