{Chapter Seventeen}

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//The Following Morning\\

I flicker my eyelids open with a yawn. I look beside me to see Josh on his phone. I smile. Josh notices and smiles back, turning off his phone and looking straight at me.

"What are you smiling at?" Josh chuckles.

"You." I giggle.

"We should get up." Josh yawns.

"I don't want to!" I whine.

Josh laughs slightly as I turn around so my back is facing him. I feel Josh's chest against my upper back. I could feel his hot breath against my neck. I shiver a little. I turn around to look at Josh, our faces were inches away. I gaze into Josh's beautiful hazel eyes.

The strong contact between us makes me feel flattered. I bite my lip at the sight of Josh. I wrap my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his hair with one hand, and the other pulling him closer.

"Josh.." I speak in a gentle tone, looking at his lips then back to his eyes.

Our lips brush against each other's as our foreheads touch. I glance at Josh lustfully with a smile appearing across my lips. Josh softly presses his lips against mine. Our mouths open together and move in sync. The kiss feels passionate and sweet, rough but gentle.

I start to feel nervous, and my stomach turns , like the butterflies exploded. I smile brightly as I feel Josh snake his arms around my waist. Josh slip his tongue into my mouth. I shriek a little as our tongue meet, fighting for dominance. 

"Hmm." I hum in sensation as Josh's bites and sucks my neck.

I realise that my top has been pulled over my head, and Josh was sucking the top of my breasts. I grip onto his hair at the roots as I moan out.

"Josh." I whimper and moan out as he bites softly onto my stomach, leaving a trail of bruises on my collarbone to the waist band of my jogging bottoms. Josh goes to pull down my jogging bottoms but I instantly stop him.

"Josh, stop!" I hiccup.

Josh glances up at me and realises what just happened. I look at my stomach.

"Ells, I didn't mean to." With that, Josh rushes out the room.

It's my fault. I should of stopped him. Josh broke up with his girlfriend two days ago. I stand up and look in the mirror. Purple bruises were printed away my body, my neck, breasts, stomach. Josh practically labelled me as his.

I pull my shirt over my head and sigh to myself, ashamed that I let him mark himself on me. He shouldn't blame himself. I completely understand why he ran off the way he did.

I stumble into the kitchen to get a paracetamol as my head starts to pound. Simon walks in and looks at me suspiciously.

"Ellie," Simon calls, "what you been up to?"

"Simon, not now, please." I beg, swallowing the tablet. I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment.

"You okay?" Simon asks.

"I fucked up Simon." I cry, falling into Simons arms and sobbing into his shoulder.

"What are you talking about?" Simon questions.

"M-me and Josh, we kissed. And he le-left these." I stutter, taking off my top.

Simon stares at my stomach.

"He did that?" Simon asks unbelievably.

I slowly nod in shame. Simon sighs. I quickly pull my top back on before someone could walk in and think we were doing something else.

"He ran out, Simon." I say.

"I know," Simon sighs, "I watched him run out the door."

I cling onto Simons shirt and close my eyes. My body jolts every time I cry a little harder.

"Everything will be alright, Ells. I'm sure Josh won't regret it at all." Simon states.

I just hope Josh is okay.

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