{Chapter Five}

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"You're so silly!" I giggle, slapping Josh's arm playfully.

"It's not my fault you fucktard!" Josh responds, throwing a handful of flour over my head.


I smile to myself and laugh slightly at the memory that's fresh and clean in my brain.

I'd always get excited when Josh would ask me to come out with him.

I'd smile when I heard his name.

I'd blush whenever he looked at me.

He'd never notice my smiles.

He'd never see my blush.

He'd notice her smiles.

He'd ditch me for her.

He loves her.

"Ellie, what you thinking about?" Vik asks me as soon as he sits down on the empty space next to me.

"Someone." I say, not looking at him.

"Who may be that someone?" Vik asks with a grin on his face.

"Someone." I repeat.

"It's Josh, isn't it?" Vik sighs.

"Huh?" I question.

How does he know? Have I made it too obvious?

"Simon told me everything." Vik rephrases.

I slowly look at Vik, my eyes watery and sore. I blink, letting out some tears that burnt my eyes.

"I-i love him, V-Vik." I cry.

Vik pulls me into a tight hug. Vik hushes me and let's me cry on his shoulder.

"I-I've loved him for a long time now Vik. I-I'm starting to think it's all pointless." I sob, clinging onto the soft fabric. 

"I know, I know." He sounded like my mum. "The best thing to do is forget about him. Move on."

"I can't. It's hard to forget someone who I've liked for a long time." I pull away from him.

"Ellie, it's for the best." Vik sighs.

Simon walks in.

"For fucks sake Vik." Simon groans. "I told you not to bring it up you fuckhead!"

Simons voice sounds threatening and angry. I've never heard him like this.

Vik rushes out the room. Simon sighs as he looks at the state I'm in.

"I haven't seen you this upset since you found out Josh was going out with Freya." Simon chuckles, trying to humorous but he fails, he makes me cry even more as the memories come flooding back.

"What did I do wrong?" I hiccup.

"Nothing, Ells. Josh is just blind." Simon rubs my back in comfort.

"I mean, what does he see in her?" I think out loud. "She's nas-nasty!"

"Mhm, i know." Simon agrees.

"She's skinny, beautiful, blonde. No personality though, just a fucking wanker!" I croak out.

Simon holds my hand tightly.

"She's always hated me, even though I'm the reason they're together." I add.

"There's other people, you know? And Vik is right, it'll do you good finding someone else." Simon points out, making my irritated.

"I don't want anyone else! I want Josh!" I shout.

I storm out the room and find a bathroom to lock myself in. I turn to my right to see a door wide open. I rush in the room and lock the door. I sit down in the bath and sob. My back jolts every time a tear escapes my aching eyes.

There's a sudden knock on the door. The obnoxious noise bangs against my eardrums.

"Ellie! Come out!" Simon demands.

I shut my eyes tightly and cry harder as the sound got louder, until a bang. I cry myself to sleep.


"Are you sure this is safe?" I ask Josh as we both climb the tree.

"I'm positive. I climb up here most days to think." Josh assures.

I sigh with a smile.

"To think about what?" I question Josh as I lift my foot up on a branch.

"Things." Josh frowns.

"What type?" I ask, being noisy.

Josh looks down at his hands with a smile.

"You can tell me." I tell him, placing my hand on top of his.

"There's this girl, I really like her." Josh admits.

I smile brightly, thinking it was me, but I was sure wrong.

"Who?" I ask.

"Freya Nightingale." Josh answers as he looks up at me.

My smile drops. My eyes looking everywhere but his eyes. Fifteen years old, in love, unsure, and full of hope. I always thought me and Josh had a thing.

I always thought we were meant for each other, but boy was I wrong.

He had fallen for the wrong person.

And that person is, Freya Nightingale.

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