{Chapter Fifteen}

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//Josh's Pov\\

I can't believe Freya would do such a thing. Why would she bully Ellie? I don't understand, unless, Ellie is lying. I do trust her. We've been best friends for twelve years. She wouldn't lie to me, right? Freya and Ellie have always hated each other. I thought they were fighting because Freya thought Ellie was trying something.

"Oh, Joshua. What do you need?" Mrs Nightingale says after she opens the door to me.

"Hey Mrs Nightingale, is Freya in?" I ask politely.

"Yes, in fact she's just came in. She's upstairs!" Mrs Nightingale replies, patting my shoulder.

"Thanks!" I thank as I rush upstairs to meet Freya.

My jaw tightens as my fists clench around the bottom of my shirt.

"Freya!" I angrily call as I charge into her room.

"Josh? What are you doing here?" Freya asks confusedly, she looks guilty for some odd reason.

"I deserve an explanation. How could you do that to el-" I begin but Freya didn't even let me finish.

"I'm so sorry Josh. I do love you, and I regret sleeping with him!" Freya cries.

What is she on about?

"Frey, what? I came here because I wanted to talk about the whole situation with Ellie. But you're cheating on me?!" I shout.

"Wait, Ellie told you?" She asks.

"This isn't about Ellie now! You said you slept with someone!" I yell, punching a hole in her wall. "How long?"

"Wh-what?" Freya pretends she has no idea.

"How fucking long Freya? How long have you cheated on me for?!" I scream.

She mutters something under her breath so i could barely hear her.

"Say it louder!" I demand, punching the wall a second time.

"Four months!" She shouts.

I stare at her blankly. I blink. I say no words. Just stare at her.

"I don't love you no more." I state, interrupting the awkward silence and cold atmosphere. 

"Josh, wait!" She calls as I walk out her bedroom door.

"I wasted six years Freya! Six fucking years! I had hope for us. I thought we'd actually get married and have children. But I don't want any of that shit with you. I'm breaking up with you!" I cry.

"Go on, run to Ellie and cry in her arms!" Freya exclaims, following me out to my car.

"She's always been there for me anyway. Where did you go? You went and fucked some dickhead. I'm through with you and your bullshit!" I yell in her face.

"Fuck you too then." She sniffs.

I get in my car and slam the door.

"Oh, and by the way. I fucked Harry. He felt way better than you!" She laughs as I drive off.

Why did I have to fall in love with her?

Why didn't I choose Ellie?

//Ellie's Pov\\

Josh's storms into the house, crying and clenching his fists in anger. His eyes were dark and his jaw tight.

"Josh?" I call. "What happened?"

"Don't talk to me!" Josh shouts.

I flinch and back up, scared that he'd hurt me. I follow Josh upstairs.

"Josh, open this door!" I demand.

Josh shouts curse words. I start to hear banging from his room. The sound of glass shattering were coming from inside his room. I slowly open the door to, what appears to be, darkness.

"Josh!" I gasp, rushing to him.

Josh cries. His head ducks under his arms that rest on his knees. His tears fell to the ground, and so does his blood.

"Josh, shh, it's okay." I hush Josh and hug him. I rock us back and fourth, comforting him as best as I could. "Do you wanna tell me what happened?"

Josh slowly glances at me with a sad smile. He snuggles into the crook of my neck and weeps loud enough to probably let the whole house know he's crying his eyes out.

"Sh-she's been cheating on me, fo-for four months straight." Josh explains.

I look at him before looking over at Simon who appears at the door frame.

"She fucked Harry." Josh adds.

I frown at the state Josh is in. I help him up from the floor and gently lead him to the bathroom. I sit him on the toilet seat, that was closed, and I hold his hand. I dab some tissue on his knuckles and wipe away the blood. I kiss his knuckles better like he was my own child. I smile as I look up at Josh. I walk over to him and wipe his tears away with my thumb.

"Everything's going to be okay. You didn't deserve her anyway, Josh." I reassure.

I wrap my arms tightly around him and kiss his ear, missing his cheek completely. Josh didn't mind my company, he seems happy for me to be here.

"How about you come downstairs with me, and we can watch a film." I suggest.

Josh nods slightly and follows me out the bathroom, to the kitchen. He sits himself down on a stool. I open the fridge and grab Josh his favourite drink, Dr Pepper, that I recently brought when he went out. I pass him the can.

"I brought you a pack while you were out. I know there your favourite." I tell him with a bright smile, trying to cheer him up.

"Thank you Ellie." Josh thanks me. "Can we watch a film in my bedroom instead. I just don't want the boys to see me like this."

"Sure." I grin.

This time, I follow Josh to his bedroom and he turns on the television. I lay on the bed with him, resting my head on his chest. I yawn and Josh chuckles.

"Tired?" He questions.

"Yeah, but I'll stay awake with you." I yawn.

"No, you go asleep. I'll be fine watching this." Josh assures.

I smile up at him and snuggle into his neck. I close my eyes.

"Goodnight Josh." I say.

"Night Ellie." Josh replies as he snakes his arm around my waist.

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