{Chapter Thirty Six}

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//Next Morning\\

Josh softy kisses my neck as I flicker my eyes open. I smile and turn around to face him.

"Morning Joshy." I giggle, kissing Josh's nose.

His eyes are closed but he's smiling brightly.

"Morning kitten." Josh yawns, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Any plans for today?" I ask as I sit up and yawning, covering my mouth with my palm.

"I'm not sure, I'll check with the boys." Josh answers.

I nod in response. I stand up and dress my self with shorts and one of Josh's shirts

"Where you going?" Josh whines.

"I only going downstairs, silly." I chuckle.

"Please say." Josh pouts.

"Joshy, I'm hungry." I add.

"You're always hungry!" Josh exclaims.

"I'll see you downstairs." I laugh as I leave the room.

I hear Josh groan as I close the door. I silently giggle at his clinginess. I, happily, step into the kitchen with a wide grin on my face.

"So what happened last night?" JJ excitedly asks as I walk in.

I sit down on a stool and smile at Simon.

"Did you do it?" Simon questions.

I giggle and nod quickly. Simon smirks and nudges my elbow.

"Proud of you." He comments.

I hug him around the shoulders and laughs slightly.

I glance around the room, remembering Vik isn't here anymore. I remember all the advice and help he gave me. I miss him so much. I'm so disappointed that I wasn't there when he was fading away, but I saw him before I came back to reality.

I quickly wipe away my single tears and take a deep breath.

"You okay?" JJ asks.

"Huh?" I question, even though I knew what he said perfectly clear.

"I asked if you were okay." JJ repeats.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine," I lie, "I-I'm going to go see Josh."

I hurry upstairs to Vik's room, not to Josh's. I close the door and shut it quietly. I look around the half empty room. I sit in Vik's bed that is still here.

"Oh Vik." I whisper under my breath, "why'd they have to take you buddy."

I rub the soft, cold blankets.

"We were thinking about selling his belongings and giving the money to cancer research." Josh says. I didn't even know he was in here.

I look up at him without saying a word.

"You can keep some of it if you want." He adds, sitting down next to me.

Once Josh pulls me by his side, I feel myself cry on his shoulder.

"Why'd he have to go? Why him?" I think out loud.

"It's okay Ells," Josh gives me his sympathy, but I don't want it.

"It's not Josh, I just want Vik back." I sob.

"We all do Ells, but he's in a better place." Josh comforts me at the best he could.

I wipe away my tears and sort out my hair.

"How about we go out with the boys? we could go shopping or out to the woods." Josh suggests.

"I'd like that." I smile.

//Hours Later..\\

"You really want us to teach you how to play football?" Harry asks as we walk around west fields to get me a pair of football boots.

"Of course I do! I've always wanted to play!" I confess.

"Well you're learning from the professionals!" Jide says with a proud smile.

I glance up at Josh with a happy expression.

"I love you Josh." I whisper, kissing his cheek.

"I love you too Ellie." Josh whispers back.

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