{Chapter Twenty Four}

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//Next Morning\\

My eyes flicker open to reveal a dark room. I hear faint snores coming from above me. I smile slightly as I glance up to see Josh fast asleep. I rub my eyes with a yawn before looking at the time. Ten thirty two, it read. I kiss Josh's forehead before climbing out of bed.

I skip downstairs to try find Jide to apologise for my actions last night.

"Simon, do you know where JJ is?" I ask as I see Simon about to walk into the living room.

"Yeah, he's in his room. Why?" Simon questions.

"To apologise." I answer, running off to JJs room.

I knock on his bedroom door and call out his name. I hear a faint 'come in', so I open the door.

"JJ?" I call again.

I see JJ at his desk playing a game, which looks like over watch.

"Oh, Ellie, what's up?" JJ asks, looking at me for a split second before gluing his eyes back to the computer screen.

"I wanted to apologise for yesterday. I was so stressed and I shouldn't of shouted at you like that, you didn't deserve it." I apologise.

"Nah, it's chill. I completely understand. I should never tease you about those sorts of things. I feel like a dick for mentioning sex in you and Josh's relationship. I just find you two so cute and sometimes I get over excited!" JJ replies.

He pauses the game and pulls me into his arms.

"We good?" I ask.

"We good." JJ chuckles.

I hug him tighter before letting go. I smile at him brightly.

"I know it's meant to be a lads night, but do you wanna come out with me and the lads?" JJ offers.

"JJ I couldn't, it's a lads night out. I don't want to ru-" I start but JJ cuts me off.

"Aha, no. You're coming with us. I'm sure Josh would you want to come anyway. He was thinking about it." JJ interrupts.

"He was?" I ask.

"Trust me, I know." JJ assures. "So, you in?"

"I guess." I say nervously.

"I'll text the others." JJ exclaims, causing me to giggle.

//Later On..\\

"JJ told us you're coming to the club." Vik addresses.

"Yeah, if that's okay." I say as I grit my teeth. I feel so bad. Maybe Josh wants to take a break from me and hang out with the boys. What if it pisses them off?

"Ellie, what's wrong?" Vik asks as he notices somethings wrong.

"I-I just feel like Josh wants a break from me, maybe he wants it to be just the lads. I feel like I'm stopping him from having fun. And the others, they probably won't want me there." I sob.

Vik laughs. I look at him with confusion.

"What?" I ask.

"Ellie, the boys were thrilled to have you come along. Josh was begging the boys for you to come and he hated the thought of you being alone home. He loves you, Ellie. Don't be so paranoid, chill out, it's only Josh. Josh doesn't care, you don't have to please him. He love you the way you are, don't stress yourself out!" Vik explains with a smile.

He hands me his phone to see the previous messages from the lads.

Jiddlypuff: Oi, is it alright if Josh's bitch comes with us tonight?

Daddy Zerk: she's not a bitch, Jide :'(

Jiddlepuff: Fine. Is it okay if Ellie joins us tonight? Josh is worried about her being alone.

Wroetogoat: of course it is ;)

Freezy: yes! That'll be sick.

Lux: Sounds sick.

Moné: I was just about to ask!

I snicker and hand the phone back to Vik.

"I told you. They all love you like a sister. Bonus, you're going to meet Chip and Chris tonight as well. I'm certain they'll love you even more!" Vik reassures.

"Thanks Vik. You always know how to cheer me up!" I thank.

"Let's go get ready for a night out!" JJ cheers as he rushes in the room.

I laugh as I'm carried up the stairs by JJs shoulders. JJ charges into Josh's room and drops me onto the bed.

"Delivery for Mr Zerker!" JJ says and runs out, shutting the door behind him.

Josh laughs as I stand up form the bed rubbing my lower back.

"He's so rough." I complain jokingly.

Josh walks over to me with a smile, holding my wrist.

"Close your eyes and turn around." Josh commands.

I do as he says and face my back towards him. I feel Josh left up my hair and clip on something cold.

"Open your eyes!" Josh exclaims.

I turn to him as I open my eyes. I look down at my chest and cry in sight. It's a neck lace and there's a tree on it, trees were always me and Josh's thing since we met. I open up the tree and see a photo of me and Josh. I cover my mouth as I softly cry.

"I love it so much!" I cry in happiness.

Josh chuckles, hugging me and pressing his lips against mine.

"Joshy, I genuinely love it so much. I'm never taking it off! It's so cute!" I squeal. "Thank you!"

"It's okay kitten, I'd do anything for you." Josh chuckles as he wipes under my eyes.

"You didn't have to Joshy," I coo.

"I wanted to, and I love you." Josh kisses my nose and strokes my chin.

I thank him once again. We both stand still, hugging each other for five minutes.

"We best getting ready." I address and Josh nods.

Tonight going to go well, hopefully. Nothing's going to happen, right?

Training Wheels {Zerkaa}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon