{Chapter Twenty Two}

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"Ca-Cassie?" I stutter as she walks towards us.

"Ah, Ellie. Nice to see you again." Cassie greets.

"Yeah." I murmur. 

I drop my head and fiddle with my fingers. I nervously frown, scared that she's going to say something.

The last time I saw her was graduation, and she humiliated me in front of everyone. Of course Josh and Simon thought it was a little inside joke, so I had to laugh along with it but I was secretly dying inside. No one saved me. No one even tried to. I was left alone.

"And I see you've gotten cosy with Josh. That's cute." She adds.

I know her plan. First, she'll act nice and kind. Then, once you trust her and all, she goes in for the attack. She's so fucking evil.

"Thanks." I murmur.

I feel Josh loosely grip onto my arm to pull me close to his side. He lets go and kisses my head.

"It's a bit odd. Your close friend, Freya, was dating him. I thought you was better than that." Cassie comments.

"I didn't know you and Freya were close." JJ says confusedly.

"Oh yeah, they were really close. But if course, Ellie had a huge crush on Josh and when Freya found out, she was so upset." She lies. Me and Freya were never close, she's always hated me.

"Leave her alone, Cassie!" Josh demands.

"Oh, sticking up for Ellie now, Josh." Cassie hisses.

"She's my girlfriend!" Josh barks.

"Freya was treated like shit. You never stuck up for her!" Cassie yells.

"I've always treated her the way she wanted. I broke up with her because she fucked off and got with some guy!" Josh shouts.

Simon awkwardly coughs which causes us all to silence. I glare up at Cassie.

"Awh, hiding behind Joshy. Aww poor girl. Too afraid to say anything?" Cassie laughs.

"Fuck off, Cassie!" I huff.

"Oh, she's using big words!" Cassie snickers. "Aw is Ellie gonna cry?"

"Just stop being such a little cunt, Cassie. Leave them both alone!" Simon yells.

I look over at him with a smile, mouthing to him 'thank you'. Simon nods at me with slight smile.

"Oh shut it Simon. You and Josh always thought she was pathetic as well. Coraline used to call her a stuck up cunt, and you agree. And you, Josh. You used to talk shit about her." Cassie explains.

I glance up at Josh with watery eyes. Josh shakes his head.

"Ellie, that's not true!" Josh cries.

I look back at Cassie.

"I'm only telling you the truth, Ellie. Josh and Simon aren't your friends. No one would ever put up with you for twelve years. Always bragging about how 'you're so lucky to have Josh and Simon as your best friends', well I've got news for you. Even they talked shit about you." Cassie hollers.

A solid lump grows in my throat. I part my lips and gulp hard to get rid of the uncomfortableness. Hot tears burn down my cheeks. I wipe them away with a strong sniff as I feel my nose run. I stand up and walk away. I feel someone grab my wrist, instantly knowing its Josh.

"Get off me!" I howl, tugging at my wrist as my boyfriend begs for me to stay.

"Ellie, you really believe her?! Cassie is lying and you know that. I've always loved you!" Josh persuades.

"I'll see you at home." I mumble.

"I'm coming with you!" Josh states.

"No, you stay with the boys." I command.

"I'm staying with you, Ellie. Knowing you, you'd let the thoughts hit you hard and end up doing something stupid. Believe me when I say this, Cassie just wants you in her little messed up plan. And if you believe her, you'll dump me and then I'd be forced to go back to that bitch." Josh sobs.

I frown at Josh's expression.

"Come on then." I smile, holding my hand out.

Instead of grabbing my hand, Josh holds my cheeks as he slams his lips against mine. I melt and hold on tightly to his shirt. Josh pulls away with a smile.

"Don't ever let anyone make a mess of you like that." Josh says causing me to nod and giggle.

I'm not sure if I believe Josh. He is my boyfriend, but he's always been around with Freya most of our school days.

Should I believe Cassie, or Josh?

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