{Chapter Ten}

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"Ellie!" Josh calls as he enters the guest room.

"Joshua." I call back.

"Tell me why you think smashing those pictures and throwing water over Freya was a good idea!" Josh huffs.

"She's an absolute cunt!" I comment.

"I know, bu-"

"Ha, you're admitting it!" I interrupt.

"Let me finish." Josh grunts.

"Sorry dad." I snicker.

"Ellie, it's seriously not funny. You're acting like a three year old. You smashed pictures of me and Freya." Josh addresses.

"For your information, I didn't do it. She did. She's so evil and spiteful. I hate her so much." I snap.

"Just, please, be nice to her for me. She's my girlfriend. You're my best fiend. Just get along!" Josh begs.

"I don't hate her for being with you-" that's a lie, "- I hate her because she's nasty." I comment.

"I understand," Josh lies, he doesn't understand. He never did. He was busy wrapped up in her fingers to ever understand my emotions.

"Mhm." I hum.

Josh leaves in a hurry, leaving me to be alone once more. I curl up in my bed sheets and stare at the wall. Come on, get over him. You can do it. There's plenty other guys out there. What about Freezy? Or Chris? But they aren't Josh. I want Josh. I've always wanted Josh.

I've always dreamed about being his. I like him, I like him a lot, maybe too much. I want to hold his hand. I want to hug him till the pain goes. It's so cliche and cringe. But, it's true. I've always wanted to rest my head on his shoulder, holding his hand, and watch the sun go down. I want to have late night conversations about random things. I want to play fight with him like we use to, before she came along.

"Ellie, get up!" Simon commands.

I curl up in a ball and cover myself with the blankets.

"Simon.." I moan as he pulls the covers off my freezing body.

"Look at you!" Simon says in disgust, not in a horrible way, just honest. "You're a fucking mess!"

"So, there's no one to impress. I can stay in my bed and cry for as long as I want!" I whine like a little kid.

"Not while I'm around!" Simon says and pulls me off the bed by my legs. My body hits the ground and I just stay in position.

"I'll stay here and decay." I moan lazily.

"Ellie, I want to help you. Come on, we're going out! We are going to help you get over Josh!" Simon explains.

"I can't be bothered." I cry.

"No, no, none of that. Now, put this on, we're going out clubbing." Simon exits my room and slams the door.

I stand up and rub my tired eyes. "Dickhead." I chuckle.

That's the glory of having a gay best friend. No matter how much of a state I am, Simon will still help.

-one hour later-

"Where are you two going? On a date?" JJ giggles.

"What?" I laugh.

"Well, you look gorgeous and dressed up. Simons dress up and you're linking arms." JJ fangirls.

"You two going on a date?" Harry asks as he enters the room.

"Wh-" I get interrupts.

"Oi, dickheads! Their finally going on a date!" Harry shouts to the boys in the living room.

"Eyyyy!!" Ethan shouts.

"That's adorable." Freya comments.

"Who's going on a date?" Josh asks as he jogs downstairs.

"These two!" JJ screeches.

"Oh, wow, congrats." Josh looks a little confused as Simon did say he's gay.

"Guys, we're not going on a date!" I exclaim.

"False alarm!" Harry shouts.

"Fuck sake!" Vik shouts back.

"Where you off to then?" JJ asks.

"I'm taking Ellie to a club," Simon explains.

"Why's that?" Harry questions, flickering his eyelashes.

"Cos she wants dick!" Ethan yells jokingly form the other room.

"She can just have Simons" Harry adds, laughing at his comments.

"We're just friends!" I shout over the top of them.

"That's what they all say!" Jj sings.

"Can we just go?" Simon whispers in my ear, making it look a bit suspicious as the lads are talking about me and Simon fucking.

"We're just gonna leave." I told them.

"Have fun!" Harry smiles.

"Aww, they grow up so fast!" Jj fake cries.

I roll my eyes. Simon laughs as we walk to the car.

"Time to go forget about Josh!" Simon says.

I wish it was that easy.

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