{Chapter Twenty Nine}

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//Two Months Later..\\

"Happy Birthday dear Joshuaaaa aka daddyyy!! Happy Birthday to youu!" Everyone sings and claps, celebrating Josh's birthday.

"Thanks." Josh laughs.

I rush up to Josh and jump on him so my legs are wrapped around his waist.

"Well happy birthday to you, Joshy." I giggle, kissing Josh's nose.

"Thank you, kitten." Josh chuckles.

"You're old now!" I joke causing Josh to pout. "I'm joking, I'm joking! I love you really!"

"I'm not that old! I'm twenty five now!" Josh exclaims.

"That's kinda old." Simon comments as he walks past.

"You're gonna be twenty five in three days!" Josh argues back. "And you're already twenty five."

"Shh, people don't know that!" I hush.

"Oh my god! Daddy Josh and Mummy Ellie!" JJ shouts.

I glance back at JJ and burst out laughing. Josh accidentally drops me which causes us both to fall on the floor.

"Ow." I pout playfully. "You hurt me."

"Aw, I'm sorry baby." Josh laughs, kissing my pinky better.

I blush as the boys watch us. Josh picks me up and lifts me so I'm sitting on the island. Josh kisses my forehead better as a red mark forms.

"Aww!" Sarah comments as she walks past.

I smile at her comment, looking back over to Josh. I drop my head so my forehead is resting on Josh's shoulder.

"Stay here, I'm just going toilet." Josh states.

I lift my head and watch Josh step out the room. JJ comes into my view.

"Is daddy gonna get some action tonight?" JJ asks jokingly.

"Stop calling him daddy, it's weird!" I snort.

"I've heard you call him daddy!" JJ exclaims.

"It was once. And it was a joke." I lie.

JJ looks at me with a straight face.

"You can't be fucking kidding me! You were grindin-" I cut JJ off by pressing my hand against his lips.

"Shut up JJ!" I hiss as Freezy gives us both a look.

"Im not judging!" Freezy shouts in defence, holding up his hands like I had a gun pointed to his face. He rushes out with a short, deep laugh.

I remove my hand from JJ's mouth and I stare at him blankly.

"You and Josh are really cute. You suit each other." JJ smiles.

"Thanks Jide!" I thank. "No, I really mean it. You're like a brother to me. I know you can treat Simon better than anyone else could. You two are adorable!"

"Aww!" JJ giggles.

I smile at him, glad to have him as my best friend.

"Oi, I'm going out to get something for Josh. I'll be back in ten minutes." Simon says as he pokes his head through the door.

"Okay, hurry up. I hate you going out in the dark." JJ tells him, hugging him and pecking his cheek.

I squeal in happiness. They're so cute, like literally are perfect for each other.

"I'll be fine!" Simon assures.

JJ nods and hugs him once more before letting him go. JJ chuckles at my happy expression. Josh jogs into the kitchen.

"Where'd Simon go?" Josh asks.

"He went out to grab something." JJ explains.

"Was it for me?" Josh asks as he looks at me.

"Maybe, I dunno." I laugh, jumping off the island and running off and giggling.

I stop laughing as I see Tobi crying in the sofa.

"Tobi?" I question. "Whats wrong?"

"It's Vik, he has cancer."

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