{Chapter Thirty One}

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//A Couple Months Later\\

"I am so sorry, but Vikram has one last day before he is diagnosed with brain cancer." The doctor confesses with such disappointment.

I look over at the guys who were crying and begging the doctor to let Vik spend one day out with us.

"I can't, I'm sorry. Vik has to stay here. He could go blind any second, we aren't so sure when." He tells us, walking away like he owns the whole damn hospital.

I cry into Josh's neck and his snuggles into my curled up shaped body on his lap. I slowly gripped Josh's shirt.

"Vik doesn't deserve this!" JJ exclaims.

"I know Jide, but we need to stay calm for Vik's sake. It's possibly his last day seeing us, and soon he'll be gone. But that's okay, you know? Vik will always want us to be smiling." Simon comforts.

"I don't want him to die!" Harry weeps.

"We all don't. Vik is a sideman. He is apart of us. But let's be happy for him. I'm sure he'll want that." Tobi assures.

Everyone hums and nods in response.

"I'm gonna go speak to Vik." I tell Josh before getting up and slumbering over to Vik's room.

I knock lightly on the door before entering.

"Hey bud. How you doing?" I ask with a forced smile.

"I could be better." Vik weakly replies, "I can't believe I'm going to die in a couple of days."

"Don't think like that Vik, please! You're not going to die." I cry.

"You don't know that! I will die! I have fucking brain cancer." Vik shouts at me.

Vik holds me tightly. I feel his tears drip down my shoulder.

"I don't want to die." Vik sniffles as he removes himself away from me.

"Vik, just enjoy what you have now." I beg, my voice shaky and worried that I'll say something wrong.

"Enjoy what I fucking have now! I have brain cancer, how can I enjoy that shit?!" Vik practically screams in my face.

Josh rushes in and pants.

"What's going on?!" Josh asks worriedly.

"I-I th-think I said something wr-wrong." I stutter.

"You did! Just fucking get out! I want to be alone!" Vik yells.

I try to place my hand over his but he pushes me away. I glare up at Josh before hurrying out. I feel someone grab me.

"Ellie, he didn't mean it!" Josh exclaims, pulling close to him.

"Get off me Josh!" I sob. "He hates me now. I tried to help but I've clearly made everything worse. I make everyone feel so shit!"

Josh tries to help by saying something but he doesn't. I rush out of the hospital, ignoring everyone calling for me.

I start running to the place everyone goes when they feel depressed, the bridge.

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