{Chapter Twenty}

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"Josh, are you sure about this? You broke up with Freya three days ago. Will they think I'm desperate?" I ask nervously as we walk down the steps.

"They're our friends, kitten, I'm sure they'll be okay with us." Josh reassures, planting a kiss on my forehead.

I smile and glance up at him softly with innocent eyes. Josh holds my hand tightly and interlocks our fingers as we walk to the living room where the noise was coming from. All I could hear was JJ and Ethan laughing.

"Eyy, here they are!" Simon exclaims as he sees me and Josh walk in.

Josh hides our hands behind his back as he squeezes on my hand a little harder. Simon gives me a look to say 'what's he hiding?'.

"Guys, me and Josh have something to tell you." I shout out to everyone so that stop and listen.

"Me and Ellie are a couple!" Josh announces, crashes his lips against mine. The boys cheer and clap like they are happy for us.

Josh and I sit down on the sofa, and I sit in his lap. I glance at Josh with a smile. He's glaring at someone. I look over to who he's staring at, and no surprise, it's Harry.

"Josh." I whisper, he doesn't look away.

"That fucker." Josh growls.

"Josh, ignore him. You don't need to worry about him." I assure.

"He fucked Freya." Josh scowls.

"That's in the past now, Joshy. You have me." I smile.

Josh slowly looks at me with a frown. I stroke Josh's hand with my thumb.

"You wouldn't do that to me, would you?" Josh sniffles sadly.

"You think I'd sleep with that dick head. Firstly, he looks like a lesbian. Secondly, i love you. I would never do that to you." I promise.

Josh drops his head on my shoulder causing me to smile and tilt my own so our heads are touching. Simon stumbles towards us with a grin on his face.

"After twelve years, you two are finally together. I'm so proud!" Simon squeals, plopping himself down next to me.

"Hm." I hum.

"What's wrong with Josh?" Simon asks me.

"He doesn't really want to see Harry, as you know, he fucked Freya." I recall quietly.

Simon glances over at Harry and then back to me. "Oh, fuck." Simon mumbles.

"Yeah, I know." I sigh.

Simon nods and walks over to Lux and Freezy. I lift my head up and kiss Josh's cheek.

"Josh, I'm going to speak to Harry." I tell him. Josh clings onto my arm.

"Please don't." Josh begs.

"Josh, I'll be five minutes. Trust me, I won't do anything with him." I say gently.

Josh nods and looses his grip on my arm. I slowly stand up and stroll over to Harry. Harry notices me and smirks, shuffling over to make room for me to sit down.

"So, you and Josh, huh? That's cute." Harry says carelessly.

"You don't care, do you?" I huff.

"Course I do. Josh is my best mate." Harry lies. I can see it through his eyes that it's all lies.

"I bet that isn't what you said when you were about to fuck Freya." I bark.

Harry stares at me blankly before moving his eyes off me to look over at Josh. He runs his fingers through his hair.

"So he told you?" He questions as he looks at me.

"Yeah, he did." I growl, "and I expect you not to try anything with me."

"Ellie, babe, I wouldn't dare to." He grins.

"Don't call me that." I say emotionless.

"Simon and JJ would kick my ass if I ever tried it with you, Josh would kill me. After all, you're his best friend, his world." Harry continues.

"Harry, I do trust you." I force myself to smile and i place my hand on his shoulder.

"Good." Harry breathes out, he starts to look stressed.

"Ar-are you okay?" I ask him.

"I'm fine." Harry smiles.

"I'm glad we cleared this up. Friends?" I questions.

"Friends." Harry holds his arms out for a hug. I accept and hug him back.

"I'll be off, I'll talk later." I murmur.

I travel back to Josh. He gazes up at me with a slight smile. I peck his lips and embrace him. I sit back on his lap and snuggle into his neck.

"I love you Josh." I confess.

I hear Josh's heart beat fasten and a smile spread across his lips.

"I-I love you too, Ellie." Josh expresses, resting his cheek on my forehead.

I smile and close my eyes, happy that I'm finally in his arms.

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