Kind Of Boyfriend

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*the kind of boyfriend he'd be (at least what I think he'd be like)*


He'd probably be sweet, unwilling to test your boundaries very often, not as outspoken as you but will let you know things that need to be said.


He'd flirt with other girls but always come back to you, no matter what. He would probably never cheat, believe it or not, but he might get close to going there. He'd probably be a kind of loyal that's not really obvious, like you wouldn't guess he would be, but he is.


He's silent, but most definitely the jealous type of guy. If necessary, he'll step right in and assert his dominance.


He's a sweet little cupcake that's way more innocent than you, so he'd probably be more submissive and not as willing to interfere with what you're doing (even if he probably should).


He'd probably be the one to 'wear the pants' in the relationship, surprisingly. {To "wear the pants" means that person makes most of the decisions in the relationship. They decide where to eat, what movie to watch, and when to go out. They may ask the other person's opinion about things but the final decision is theirs." -Quora} However, he'd probably be willing to listen to whatever you have to say.

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