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*that wonderful time of the month, yep. this is, of course, assuming you get them (because I don't know if Alteans or Galra can bleed all week and survive)*  


You may have been dramatic when you flopped on your bed and groaned loudly for a full minute, but at least you weren't crying (yet). It was the wonderful week every female looked forward to having and regretted not being able to have when they were too old. Rolling onto your side, you stared at the wall in front of you with dull eyes, silently wondering if there was any feel-better-food.

You rolled onto your back and placed your hands on your stomach, not pushing but just resting them there. You didn't have it as bad as other girls, your cramps being minor and sometimes you didn't even get them. But this happened to be one of those cramp-filled moments and you were silently wishing you didn't have to be a female.

A knock at your door you simply answered with a groan and the person entered. It was Shiro.

"Hey," his face, which had been his usual adorable one, had slipped off. "What's wrong?"

"My menstrual cycle." You grunted and shifted onto your side again, trying to see if holding that position would dull the pain, even a little bit.

"Oh." He pulled a face to show his sympathy for you and sat beside you.

"And it hurts!" You felt tears fill your eyes automatically, something you could trigger with years of practice. Shiro felt hesitant, but he slowly reached out to pull you onto his lap. You reacted by sniffling and holding one of his strong arms in your hands like a stuffed animal. He gently pet your head to try and make you feel better and the not-yet-released tears went away.

"I'll help you as much as I can." Shiro promised. You smiled and kissed his hand.

"Thanks, honey."  


You bit your lip and looked at the clock, watching the seconds tick away while taking in calming breaths. It was going to be okay. You only had another 2 days and 14 hours left. You got up to walk around, having previously been sitting in a chair, and tried to distract yourself. There wasn't anything you could think of at the moment to make you feel better besides going to sleep, and so you were stuck.

"Heeeeyyyyyy (Y/N)." Lance slid up beside you, and when you didn't react, he frowned. "Hey you okay?"

"Great, great, yeah, yeah." You responded, not even glancing at him. He wasn't convinced, not even remotely, and set his mind to try and figure out what was wrong. You felt his stare. "If you wanna be useful, could you tell Allura I'm going to take a nap?" Your tone was a bit sharper then you intended, causing Lance's eyes to widen. "Please," you added.

"Oh, is this the..." He trailed off, hoping you'd understand what he meant. You just looked at him. "Ya know, the thing that happens every month?"

"How long is a month?"

"Um..." He looked around to see if anyone else was in the room. "Are you having your period?"

"..." You looked up at him. "What's a period?"

"Nevermind, I'll just go tell Allura." He walked off, your confused stare on his back as he did so. After a moment, you went to go get that nap you needed.


You groaned in between clenched teeth and wished with all your heart that you had some ice-cream (or that your lovely time of bleeding would end). However, all your wishing and hoping amounted to nothing. You were still going to have to suck it up and act normal as best you could.

Keith noticed your off mood almost immediately, and thinking something was wrong, asked you what was going on. You responded with a grunt, which he didn't understand, and told him to leave you alone. He did, after standing there for another few seconds, and you were left to mope on your own.

However, Keith returned not long after with a large fluffy blanket and Pidge's computer. He set the computer up to play a movie, something Pidge had taught him to do, and you wrapped the blanket around yourself. He held you in his arms as the movie played, and you made sure to thank him for getting your mind off the terrible cramps via a kiss.


While having your period you barely ran into any kind of pain. It was simply blood coming out of your lower lady parts that you had to make sure didn't get on any article of clothing. Your mood didn't change much either, so Hunk was free from anything you would've thrown at him.

You were a lucky tater-tot.


You kept your eyes on the ground in hopes that nobody would notice the pain shining in your eyes. It hurt, it really did, and your mood had dropped a lot too. But because you still saw yourself as a could-be-enemy, and didn't want the Paladins to kick you out (which wouldn't happen because Pidge), you kept silent.

Pidge tapped your arm and you slowly looked up at him. ''Please tell me what's wrong.'' So he figured out something was off about you, huh?


''Why?'' He pulled a confused expression.

"It'll be over in a little bit anyway." Pidge's mind picked up on the fact that you knew when it was going to go away and set to work trying to figure out what was happening. Then it clicked.

''Period?'' Period? You must've misread his words.


''Period. Are you having your period, the once a month thing that lasts from 3-7 days?'' Yeah, you had no clue what that was.

"It would help to know what you were talking about."

''Are you bleeding?''


"Are you experiencing cramps?''


''Do you hate me right now for asking so many questions?''


''Then you're on your period.'' He stated it almost proudly (only because he figured it out and he was proud of that). You looked up at him with an unamused expression, so he quickly cleared his throat. ''Is there anything I can do to help?''


''Alright.'' He walked away, but as soon as he was out of eye-sight, he opened his computer to try and find a way to help soothe your pains.

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