Part 19

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Breakfast was amazing. We all just talked and talked for what seemed like hours. I looked at the clock when we were walking out and it turned out to only be 10:30. 

"So, Mr. Wright of England, what is it your heart desires? What would make you the happiest man in the world?" We were walking in the parking lot and he had this REALLY bad British accent going and it was so adorable.

"Ok, 1. Please don't ever talk like that ever again and 2. I thought you had this whole day planned?"

"What? You don't like my totally amazing accent?" The girls were cracking up laughing. "YOU have no room to talk!" He came close to me. "I'm disgusted at your fake bloody accent."

We kept a straight face for a second but ended up in full blown laughter. By the time we got to the car my sides hurt. I stopped laughing and before I opened the door fell to my knees.

"Hayden!" He ran over to me.

"I'm...I'm ok." I had a tough time breathing. "I'm just light headed."

"Ok, come on." He put my arm around his shoulders and assisted me to my feet. He opened the door and helped me in.

He got the girls in and went in the driver's seat.

"I'm sorry."

"Why? You ok?"

"I'm so sorry."


"Why are you so nice?" My head was back and my eyes were closed.


"I'm such a burden."

"No you're not, Hayden."

"Don't lie." I looked over at him. "You know it's true."

"But it's not true. You're not a burden."

"My family. My friends. My doctors."

"Hayden stop that."

"I'm so sorry."

"No..." but I unbuckled and opened the door. "Hayden! Where are you going?"

I walked, or dragged my body along. I was slow.

"Hayden," he came in front of me, "what are you doing? Are you ok?" I could feel my legs giving up. I started to close my eyes. "No no no Hayden, stay awake."



"I'm sorry." Tears were welling in my eyes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~David's POV

"Hayden, it's ok. Don't be sorry." I could feel his body giving up. I looked back at the car and saw the girls watching us. They had a worried look on their face. Who could blame them?


"Don't be sorry."

He suddenly regained a bit of strength and dragged me to the side. I heard the girls scream and I soon found out why. We were on the floor. Hayden's breaths were sharp and quick and I saw him fighting to stay awake. He was picked up then was dragged by the back of his shirt. He was thrown into the back of a car and the driver drove off. It took me a while to comprehend what had just happened but when I did I shot up and quickly got the girls in the car and drove off.

Not this shit again. Not again. Not today. Not to him.

I was driving as fast as I could. This was not the best idea. Just a few miles down a cop pulled me over. 

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