Everything Is Not Ok...

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Cole's POV
I was in my room crying... Me and Jay aren't friends anymore... That kind of breaks my heart because we were best friends since we were little. And now Jay wants to end it. I wish that it wasn't true. But of course it is. I heard a soft knock on my door. I couldn't tell if it was Alex or Jay. Because they both have the same knock. Siblings, I guess that's why. I opened the door and saw... Jay.

Jay's POV
Cole opened the door and I saw Cole. His eyes were all red. His nose was a little red. And there was some tear stains on his cheeks. Man. Did I really hurt him that much?! "What?" Cole asked with a attitude. "I came here to say... Your just overreacting. Just because we ain't friends anymore doesn't mean for you to cry." I said. Cole gave me a Seriously look. "Are you serious?!" Cole yelled. "Well... Duh!" I said. "Jay!? Are you kidding me?! I'm overreacting?!? Dude!!! You're overreacting!!!" Cole yelled at me.

"And why is that?!" I asked. "Dude... Seriously?! I'm crying because we ain't friends anymore!!! We were best friends since we were little and now your ending it!!! And now you come upstairs to tell me that I'm overreacting??!?! Jay!! Seriously?! I thought you were gonna apologize!!!!" Cole yelled.

"Me!!! Apologize?!?! Dude you made ME hurt my sister!!!! How can I say sorry if you don't apologize first?!?!?!?!" I asked. Cole's face got red not because of crying it's because of anger.... "Are you FREAKING kidding ME?!?!?! Dude!!! I tried to say sorry but you wouldn't LISTEN TO ME!!!!" Cole cried. "I don't understand why you have to be such a weak person Cole!" I said. "I don't know why you are such a bad friend Jay!!" Cole yelled. Everyone came to see me and Cole argue. Nya and Kai looked at each other then back at me and Cole. Wu and Misako shook their heads in disappointment.

"You know why you're full of evil?! It's because the color if your heart!!!" I yelled. Everyone gasp, Cole's eyes widened in shock. Cole looked really mad now. This doesn't look good.

Cole punched me right in the nose and I fell. Everyone gasp in shock. My nose started to bleed. I looked up at Cole... He had tears running down his cheeks. He just had a sad face then he slammed the door.

"Jay?! Are you ok?!" Nya asked. "I'm fine." I said. "Are you sure? You just got punched by Cole." Kai asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." I said. Zane cleaned me up. Everyone was in the living room. It was silent, no one talk.

Cole's phone ranged, no one answered it. We heard a door open. Everyone looked at each other. Then we heard soft footsteps coming downstairs. It was... Cole. He looked at everyone and walk to the coffee table and got his phone. He went back upstairs, closed the door. Then locked it.

Alex called for Cole so Zane brought Cole down here again. He didn't look at anyone he just went to Alex.

Alex's POV
Zane told me that Jay got punched by Cole. Because of what he said. Idiot. I'm so sick and tired of hearing and seeing Cole and Jay fight. The arguments are always about me.... I decided to... Break up with him... And this time... I'll do it... I have to! If I don't then Jay will still hurt Cole. I love him so much. So I'm doing what's best for us.... I asked Zane for Cole, Cole came he gave me a smile. Oh boy...

"Cole. I have to talk to you." I said. "Ok." Cole said. "Cole I hate seeing you like this. Upset and hurt because of Jay. So... I'm.... Breaking up... With you..." I said. No reply. I look up and all I see is Cole's mouth wide open. "Your breaking up with me?" Cole asked. "Yes... Cole we still can be friends." I said. "Ok." Cole said quickly. "Are you gonna be ok?" I asked. "Yeah." Cole said. 

"Ok. I'm sorry Cole." I said. "It's fine. Just don't tell anyone." Cole said then he left upstairs. "What was all that about?" Kai asked. "Nothing." I said. "Ok." Kai said then he left. I'm so sorry Cole... I love you....

Jay's POV
We all saw Cole walk out the room with tears down his face... Why is he crying? Is he ok? Dose he need a hug? Anyways Alex came too. She looked upset. "What's up?" I asked her. "Nothing." Alex said.

Cole's POV
Alex broke up with me... No... Why? I started to bawl on my bed. I'm so alone. No body ever wants to be alone.... Some do... I don't... No one loves me... No one cares for me... I ran to the bathroom and grabbed my pocket knife. I leave it in my bathroom. I pulled up my sleeves and... Started to cut myself.... No one loves me... I cut my wrists. No one cares for me.... I cut my arm. No one gives a DAMN about me... No one dose... No one ever did.... I cut my palm of my hand. I watched the blood go down... It looks so... New... The pain... I'm feeling it... I like it... I like the pain.... I watched how the blood dropped to the ground. My brown carpet was now mixed with my blood. I smirked.... It feels so good. I enjoyed the pain for a few minutes and then I washed myself. Blood came off. It was getting mixed up with the water. I watched how the blood went down the water.

That... Felt... So.... Good!! I have to do this more often! No one cares for me... So I don't see why not. No one gives a DAMN about me!!! Yay!!! So I could do what ever I want!!! Yeah!!! It feels so good to be free!!! I'm free...

Jay's POV
Alex wouldn't tell me why her and Cole were acting strange. We got in a argument. "Come on Alex!" I begged. "No! This isn't your concern for once! It's mine!" Alex growled. "Why won't you just tell me?!" I complained. "Because I said so!" Alex yelled.

"Just tell me why Alex!!!" I ordered. "No!" Alex said. "Why?! Why?! Why can't I know?!" I asked. "BECAUSE ME AND COLE BROKE UP!!!!" Alex yelled. Everyone gasp. Alex quickly covers her mouth. They broke up... Why?!

Just then the alarm ranged. "Come on guys there's a fire in a village!!!" Lloyd yelled. "Alright let's go! NINJAGOOO!!!" Nya said. Cole came too. He just didn't talk to anyone.

"Alright we're here. Ok. I want Zane and Nya to take out the fire. Kai and I will get survivers in the fire. Jay you do what you check for any injuries on the people. Cole I want you to transform yourself back to a ghost so you can go through the walls and look for survivers. Let's go!" Lloyd ordered.

Kai and Lloyd brought some survivers back. A little girl just broke her leg. And a little boy broke his arm. And they're parents are ok. Everyone came except Cole... No.... I ran into the fire. I heard Cole scream. I ran to where it came from. Then I saw him getting attacked by a weird shadow. Cole fell he was still a ghost. He tried to transform himself back into a human. But he was too scared.

The others came to help me save Cole. They saw Cole getting attacked by a weird shadow. "Leave him alone!!!" I yelled. The shadow was gonna hurt Cole so I electrocuted him. Cole looked relieved. But still mad at me.

The guys tried to get through but they couldn't. They were trapped. Oh no... This can't end good...

Since Cole is a ghost, the shadow threw water at Cole... And I just watched. I wanted to help but I was frozen in fear. "NO!!!! COLE!!!!" I yelled as Cole disappeared. "NO!!!!!!" I yelled.

Just like that Cole was gone.... Cole Brookstone.... Is... Dead.... Cold disappeared into dust... He looks like wind. Oh no... Cole...

The others finally made it everyone started to run out of the house. The house exploded. We all started to cry.... So did I.... Alex isn't going to like this...

"Cole... Please... come back..." I begged. "Come on... He's not here.... Let's go home Jay." Nya said. She helped me up and took me home.

Cole's gone... My best friend... My worst enemy... My brother... Is gone... Dead... Forever... I'm so sorry Cole.... You weren't suppose to leave me... Your my friend... No... I forgot.... You... No... I... Said it myself... I hurt you... Please forgive me... I'm sorry that you and Alex broke up... Everything is not ok....

My Black Hearted Ninja {Book 1} Where stories live. Discover now