Jay's Turn

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Narrator's POV
Cole went upstairs and started to stare at the wall. "I know your here." Cole said. "How?" Darkness itself asked. "If only you knew." Cole said. "Hm.. Your acting a lot like me... I'm liking it!" The Darkness said. "I need to get her back." Cole said. "Nya?" Darkness asked. "No dumb @$$!" Cole said. "Watch it Brookstone." Darkness warned. "What ever." Cole said. "Then who?" Darkness asked. "Alex..." Cole said. The Darkness realized who he was talking about... Jay's little sister. "How?" Darkness asked. "I'm thinking." Cole said as he lifted his chin to look at The Darkness. "Hm... I got one." Darkness said to Cole. Cole took interested. "Let me hear it." Cole said immediately. The Darkness did his evil grin. "Who's turn is it?" Darkness asked. Cole started to think... Who's turn is it?...

Cole started to think real hard... Who's turn is it?... "What about Jay?" Darkness asked. Cole death glared The Darkness. Inside of him he doesn't want to hurt Jay.... Why? Why don't he doesn't want to hurt him?!....

"No. Not Jay... It'll break my beautiful Angel's heart." Cole said. "Then... WHO?!" The Darkness asked. "Let me think!" Cole yelled.

"Darreth?" Darkness asked. Cole knew if he did hurt Darreth then his girlfriend Jessica would kick his @$$. So Cole finally denied it.

"No! Are you crazy?!" Cole asked. "Well... Duh! I'm Insane!" The Darkness said. "Smart @$$." Cole said. "Hey!" Darkness said. "What ever!" Darkness added.

"Then who's next?! Cole we don't got all day!" Darkness complained. "You don't but... I do." Cole said. "Who do you really want to get revenge on?!" Darkness asked. Cole thought that for a minute... Until he realize who...

"I know who's turn it is!" Cole said. "Who?!" Darkness asked happily. "It's... Jay's turn....

*gasp* RUN JAY!!! Anyways... Sorry for short chapter more will be publish but right now I have to go to school. I'll see ya later! Bye! Stay Awesome!

Also if your wondering Who's Jessica? A.K.A. Darreth's girlfriend. Then she's @JessicaMoncada0 👈 follow her dudes! She's pretty cool! ;)

-Nae nae

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