I Promise

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Alex's POV
I woke up in a bed... What happened?..... I got up and went to the living room. I saw Kai watching TV, and Jay he was gone. Where did he go? "Kai have you seen Jay?" I asked. He nodded his head and pointed at the little work room we have in the computer room. I went in their and saw Jay sitting in the dark corner.... Ok something is wrong.... "Hey Jay. Are you ok?" I asked. He didn't do anything. He just.... Sat there staring at Nya's.... Wedding ring..... "Where's Nya?" I asked. Jay looked at me no emotions then he started to cry. I knew what that ment... Nya is dead.... I sat next to Jay and comforted him. I rocked him back and forth. He just kept sobbing. He wouldn't stop.

It all came to me... Nya's death... Me screaming, Kai and Jay getting mad. Attacking Cole. Cole attacking back. Me attacking Cole. Cole telling me... Love Makes You Do Crazy Things..... Then he disappeared. The last thing I remember is that I fainted...

Why?.... I don't know but Jay pulled away. "Jay.... I'm so sorry.... I wish she was here right now...." I said. Jay just nodded. I know he wants to be alone so I left him alone. I went to Kai. I sat next to him and hugged him. My poor brother and friend is upset. I just can't leave them alone like this.

I looked at Kai his arm was bleeding a little. So I went back into the medical room to get the First aid kit. I grabbed it and saw a letter carved in the wall. That wasn't there before.... It was... Cole's handwriting.... Oh boy...

I hope your ok. When I left I saw you faint. Please be ok, I miss you so much. I wish I could hold you up so tight. The way I did before. I hope you know that I think about you everyday, and every minute. I love you Alex....

Oh and by the way.... Two more days left...... You should make your decision.... Or Kai and Jay might get hurt.... I'm thinking of going after.... Hm.... Blue Jay.... Yeah? Yeah. Ok. I'll go after him....

Save him before I get there to him first.... I'm sure he won't mind... He looks desperate to be killed anyways.... I would be doing a favor for him and you. He won't stay with you Alex.... Trust me Jayline....

Jay might be gone tonight... At midnight... Oh Jayline.... I hope you make you decision before I do.....

He won't stay with you... I know what I'm talking about.... I love you Alex... Even though you break my heart....

It's funny how someone can break your heart and you still love them with all the little pieces.... My Heart Bleeds.....

Love you,
Cole Brookstone

I stopped reading it, I froze in shock for a minute. Jay..... I went back to the living room and wrapped Kai's arm in a bandage. And went to go train. No one is going to take my brother away from me..... No one.

Kai and Jay were to upset to talk so I'll protect them while they're like this.

Nothing will happen to them.... I Promise....

Sorry for short chapter. No! Jay! I hope he survives! What's gonna happen? Find out in the next chapter! Bye! See ya! Stay Awesome!
-Nae nae :)

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