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Alex's POV
This is so unfair! I can't go to missions because of my stupid accident!!!! Man! This sucks!!! I'm mostly upset because I told Jay that me and Cole broke up... I miss him. But I had to. If I didn't break up with Cole then Jay would of kept hurting Cole like that. Just as I was deep in my thoughts then ninja came. Everyone looked upset. Nya wiped some tears away from her cheeks. Jay... He had tear stains on his cheeks. Everyone was here... Except... Cole... I was looking for him... I couldn't find him... Where is he?... "Jay? Where's Cole? I can't find him." I asked. "He's not here." Jay said. "Oh he's in the bathroom?" I asked. "No." Jay said. "Where is he then?" I asked. "Dead." Jay replied. "What?" I asked. "Dead... He died... He got killed." Jay said.

I gasp in shocked, I covered my mouth. NO!! Cole... Why you?!... He can't be gone! No! No! No! No! Your lying! He's still alive!!! Jay is just pranking me!!! He had to... "No! He's not dead!!! Your lying!!! Quit lying to me!!!" I yelled. "Sis... Please... Listen." Jay begged. "NO! You listen!" I barked. "Alex... Please don't cry.  Shh... It's ok...Don't cry..." Jay said as he hugged me. I was crying in his arms. He ran his fingers through my hair. My tears gently fell on Jay' chest. My face was on his chest. I cried and cried. I couldn't help it. I kept telling Jay that he's alive while crying. All Jay was telling was No... He's not.. I'm sorry.

Fifteen minutes later I had enough. I pushed Jay out of my arms and ran outside. I heard everyone calling my name. But I pretended that I couldn't hear them. It was dark and cold and raining. I ran and ran and ran. I didn't know where to go, I just let my legs take control. I ran until I was out of breath. I collapsed on my knees and started to cry.

Cole... No... Please please please... Don't... Be... Dead... I-I need you... I love you.... We almost lost each other when Jay died and came to life but evil.... I can't lose you again... Please... Don't leave me... No one ever wants to be alone... It started to rain more. I was soaking wet. I don't care. I started to use my lightning powers at a bush then a tree. It started to thunder... My emotions control the rain... When I'm sad it rains... When Im mad it starts to storm... When I'm scared it starts to sprinkle... When I'm mixed emotions like how I am right now... Then it rains like the rain is a waterfall...

My heart began to pound louder and louder. Not because I got scared of anything... It's because... My heart can't take this kind of pain... I put my hand on my chest. And felt myself shock myself. My heart can't take this kind of pain... It just can't...

Alex's Heart...

I started to cry even more

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I started to cry even more. I miss him... He's mine... And now he's gone... I'm so sorry Cole... I shoulda never let you go.... I'm still thinking about him... How he use to smile... I miss it... I love him... He's not in my arms.... Without him I'm nothing... I Love Him... And Now He's Gone... Not Here Anymore.... Cole Brookstone is gone... Forever...

Sorry for short chapter! More will be published! See ya!! :)
Stay Awesome! Bye!
-Nae nae ;)

My Black Hearted Ninja {Book 1} Where stories live. Discover now