Forever Until We Die

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Alex's POV
I woke up and saw myself still in Cole's bed. I turned my head and saw Cole still asleep. I wrote a note and left his room. Jay would have a cow if he found out I was sleeping with Cole. I went to my room, washed up and put on dome clothes. I ran downstairs and sat down on the couch next to Lloyd. "What's sup." I told Lloyd. He chuckled . "What's sup." Lloyd said. "Eh. Nothing much." I said. "Same here!" Lloyd said. Jay came... Uh oh. "Hey. Tiny listen... I'm sorry for giving you a hard time. When you're ready to tell me... I'll be there ok?" Jay asked. I hugged Jay. I can't ever be mad at him. He's my big brother I love him.

"Ok." I said. We both smiled at each other and went in the kitchen and ate. I knew Cole couldn't come and eat. Nya is ok now... But she still doesn't forgive Cole. Neither dose Kai.

Cole came downstairs... What the heck?! Is he crazy?! Wait never mind! Yes he is!! Jay glared at him when he coming to me. Everyone did.... Cole whispered in my ear to go in his room when I can. "Ok Cole. I'll see you in a minute." I said as I smiled. "Thank you." Cole said as he kissed my cheek. "Love you." Cole said. I giggled. "Love you too." I said. Before Cole went upstairs he did he death glared at Jay. Jay did the same... Sort of.

"Cole... Go." I said. He looked at me and nodded and left. I got up put my dishes and was about to leave until... "Where the hell do you think you're going?!" Jay asked getting up blocking my way. "Cole's room. Move." I said. Jay didn't move. "You're not going to him." Jay said. "Yes I am." I said.

Jay sighed. "You're not going to him. And that's final." Jay warned. "Yes... I... Am." I said. Kai came to the rescue. "Um.. Jay maybe you should ask Cole what he wants with her." Kai suggested. Jay nodded. He agreed.

"Zane, Kai, Lloyd, Please watch her." Jay asked. "Ok." Zane said. Jay left upstairs to Cole's room. Uh oh... I know that this isn't gonna end well. I know that Jay is gonna hurt Cole. Not again...

Jay's POV
I'm going to Cole's room to talk to him. I don't want him near my sister anymore. I know Cole gave her that hickey... I just want Alex to say it so I could kick Cole's @$$. I knocked on his door. He opened it happily because he was expecting Alex. He quickly frowned and glared at me.

"What the hell do you want?!" Cole asked. "For you to stay away from Alex." I said to Cole. He just looked at me as if I lost my mind. "Why?! She's my girlfriend!!!" Cole yelled. "She's my sister!!!" I yelled back. Cole slammed the door.

I opened it and walked in and shut the door so Alex wouldn't hear me beat Cole up. Cole was standing in the corner staring at his eyes. It was so... Dark... And Cold. I looked at him. He looked at me. "Get the hell away from me." Cole warned. His voice was raspy and dry. "No. You need to be taught a freakin lesson not to touch Alex." I said. I tightened my fist I punched Cole in the face....

Cole grinned at me... Evilly. "What the heck!! Why?!" I yelled. "You... Took... My... Alex... Away... From... Me!!!" Cole yelled as pushed me to the ground.  "I told you you'll come back to me." Darkness told Cole. Cole just started at him. "Shut up and let me finish him." Cole said.

Cole lifted me up. "You won't be able to stop me from loving her... She's mine..." Cole warned me. He closed his eyes... Then he opened them... His eyes were purple... 👇

He smirked at me

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He smirked at me. "Please... Don't... Do.. This..." I begged. "Then let me marry Alex." Cole said. I glared at him. Then said. "No! You are not perfect for her... Look at you... Your... A... BEAST!!!! Your hideous! You will never marry my sister. As long as I'm alive you @$$hole." I told Cole.

I then used my lightning powers and hit Cole in the face. He yelled in pain. I tried to run... But it was too dark to see a thing. The only thing that shined was my lightning powers. I ran or tried to run to the door. Until Cole grabbed me by my leg. I fell down. He had pinned me to the ground.

"I guess since you said as long as your alive I can't marry Alex... I can change that." Cole said as he uses his earth powers and hit me with it. I screamed in pain. Cole ran to me and cut my leg with his claws. You could see my meat... He laughed. He then cut a line across my neck... I couldn't talk... Or scream... I felt paralyzed. I couldn't move.

It went too dark. I fell on the ground. Cole then ripped my shirt and drew a X on my stomach. Man... I was in pain... I wanted to die already... But I didn't. I passed out. There was puddle of blood on my back. Cause when I fell the floor I scratched my back.

"You'll never ever take Alex away from me." Cole said. I couldn't say anything. I fainted. I think I died...

Cole's POV
I just beat the hell out of Jay. I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart Jay... Be careful when you're making wishes in the dark... I'm a young lover's rage.... Just one mistake is all it'll take... For me to kill you... You can't stop me... No one can...

Ten minutes later...

Kai's POV
Alex fell asleep on Zane. I don't know how but... Zane calmed her down. Everyone was watching TV. Until Wu came and told us he'll be with Misako taking care of The Youth Academy.

We all said our goodbyes and Wu left. It was quiet expect the TV was on. And then we heard Jay scream. We all jumped. Alex ran upstairs. We all did. Alex broke the door down and saw Jay on the floor bleeding. There was a puddle full of his blood. His stomach was cut open a little. He had a line across his neck. Cole... That... Little... @$$... Was... Just standing there laughing his head off.

Alex ran to Jay. She picked his head up and started to cry on his shoulder. He looked awful... Alex stopped crying. She got up. She walked to Cole. Boy... She looks piss...

"What the HELL!!!!!!" Alex yelled. Cole stopped laughing. He gasped. "What?" Cole asked. "You.... Freaking.... Attacked... JAY!!!!" Alex yelled. "Well... I have a reason!!" Cole said. "Let me hear it." Alex said. "We can't be together because your scared that Jay will hurt me again right?" Cole asked.

"Right." Alex said. "So... I thought... If I "taught" Jay a lesson then... We'll be together." Cole said. Wow... That's dumb. Alex punched Cole across the face.

"YOU THINK IF YOU KILLED MY BROTHER THEN I'LL BE WITH YOU?!?!???" Alex asked in anger. Cole's lip and nose was bleeding. He didn't seem to care. "Yes." Cole said. "Well... You thought wrong!!! WE'RE OVER!!!!!" Alex yelled. "Alex... No... Please." Cole begged. "Hell no!!!! I don't ever wanna see your face again!!! I thought I would love you forever... I guess I was WRONG!!!" Alex yelled in tears.

"Don't you ever talk to me again!!!" Alex yelled. Alex grabbed Jay and Zane helped Alex to carry him to the ER. I looked at Cole... His hands had blood... He did do it.... Cole did it to Nya... And Now... Jay....

We left Cole. We all went to fix Jay up. Alex couldn't take it. She left. I sent Skylor to follow her... Secretly though. I don't want her to think that I don't trust her... I do... But right now I don't want her to be alone.

Cole's POV
Alex.... Just... Dumped... Me. No.... Not... Again... "Who's next?" Darkness asked me. I started to think. "All of them... If I can't have her then they can't have her either!!! She's mine... That's all she is... Mine.... Forever Until We Die....

Don't hate me please!!! What do you think is gonna happened next?! Find out in next chapter. Stay tune! Bye! Stay Awesome!!!
-Nae nae :)

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