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Alex's POV
I woke up.... I had a nightmare... About Jay... Died. I started to cry... Till I looked up and notice that Lloyd... Is.... Gone.... Crap. I looked everywhere! Where the hell could he be?! I started to panic. Until I found a paper folded in half. I opened it... Lloyd's handwriting....

Hi, Lexy. Listen.... I need to tell you something... I went to go fight Cole... Myself. By the time your done reading this that means.... One of us is probably dead by now... Alex, I'm so sorry that your going through this.... I'm so sorry that I'm not there for you right now, holding you so tied. Making sure your feeling safe.... Knowing you are safe....

This might be the last time I see you. I just wanted to say I remember whenever you and Jay had a argument, you would always come to me and talk to me about your problems. That made me special. That made me feel like... I could help anyone. And I wanted to thank you for that....

It's been a long day... Without you my friend.... And I'll tell you all about when I see you again....

My Black Hearted Ninja {Book 1} Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon