Love Is Hard

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Cole's POV
Crap... Alex got me good... I disappeared into dust. Great. Just great. She thinks she could destroy me by stabbing me in the stomach. As if. Anyways for some reason I was sent back to the Curse Realm. "Fool!!! What have you done?!" Darkness asked me. "I tried to kill Jay but instead I put him in "the" room." I said. "What about Lloyd?!" Darkness yelled. "I was gonna kill Lloyd but I couldn't cause -." I said cause Darkness interrupted me.

"Dumb a** Alex stabbed you." Darkness yelled. I got mad I grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up.

My eyes turned red and purple mix together. My sharp teeth came out, my claws came out... The ones I used to kill Skylor... My wings came out blood was on them dripping to the floor. I changed my form into the Demon Dragon. Darkness looked scared to death.

"Never.... Call... Alex... Names!!!" I yelled. "Why?! She's the one the ruined your plan!!" Darkness yelled still being choked. I threw him and he hit his head on the wall, I put my foot on his head.

"Just because Alex stabbed me doesn't mean that she ruined my plan!!! I always have a way! I have plan B! She's just scared! She's mad! She's confused! She's alone! She wants comfort!!!" I yelled.

"No Cole... That's you... Your scared... Your mad.... Your Confused... Your Alone... You want comfort... That's all you... Your just hiding it..  Within The Shadows." Darkness said to me.

He's right... I'm Scared... I'm Mad... I'm Confused... I'm Alone... I want Comfort...  I'm not gonna let that get through me no freakin more! I glares at The Darkness once last time but Darkness yelled.

"Don't kill me... You need me. What's wrong with you? What is wrong with you? Your helpless! Why do you still love her?" Darkness asked.
"The Darkness Is Within Me." I said. He looked at me in confusion he was gonna tell me something but it was too late, cause I stepped on his head.

Blood exploded. Blood everywhere. I smirked. "Who's helpless now?!" I yelled. But he couldn't hear me... He's dead. I grabbed his necklace it had a little dark blue diamond tied around a string. I'm guessing it's a piece of The Realm Crystal. I used it and I fell in the room where Jay was at conscious. Good... I'm Back.... Stronger Then Ever....

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