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Cole's Pov
I saw Alex and Kai hugging. I learned two new things today. One, Alex can find people before me. And Two... KAI STOLE MY GIRL! He's dating! Their dating! I knew it! She's mine! Only mine and Kai takes her away! What is his problem?! Fine. Two can play this game. I'll win Alex over me... I know I'll plan our wedding it'll be in the basement was have! Yes! Perfect I'll get the ninja's bodies and sit them down on the chairs. Blood was coming out of the body, while I dragged the bodies.

I decorated everything... I just realized I can't have a wedding without my bride so of course I left to go find my bride. But for some reason once Or got upstairs she immediately tackled me down to the ground.

"Kai now!" Alex yelled. Kai is here too?! Oh great! I tried to break free but I couldn't. Kai tied me up to a chair. "Let me go Smith!" I yelled. "Sorry but no." Kai said. Alex looked at me with her beautiful light crystal blue eyes. "Laa Vole I Ees Ouy tsum emoc tuo fo eht ssenkrad." Alex said. Wait is she saying that Yandere spell?…

"Vole... I geb uoy ot emoc pleh em I deen uoy ot pots siht ssenmad." Alex continued. Red energy came out of nowhere and went in my body. I screamed in pain. It was hurting me. I don't know what Alex is saying.

"Alex now say it in English!" Kai yelled. Alex nodded, took a deep breath. "All Love I See You Must Come Out Of The Darkness. Love… I Beg You To Come Help Me I Need You To Stop This Madness." Alex said. OK so that's what she said then.

Black energy came out of me well it was trying to stay. The more it fought the more it hurt. I screamed in pain. Finally seconds later… It's over. Nothing happened my power was stronger.

"Kai what happened?" Alex asked. "I don't know! I think Cole is too strong for the spell." Kai said. I laughed. "He's right Jayline." I said. I looked at Kai. "You." I said pointing at Kai.

Kai looked at me and pointed at himself to make sure I was talking about him. "Yes you! Time for you to die… Say hello to the others for me." I said.

I used my claws and sliced Kai's neck. Alex screamed. "Kai!!!" Alex yelled. Kai fell to the ground. Alex ran up to him. "Kai! Your going to be OK. Please don't go.." Alex begged. "It's OK. I'll always be with you... So will Lloyd... Defeat Cole." Kai said. "How?" Alex asked. "That is something you need to find on your own." Kai said. Then he died... Finally.

Alex looked at me... Uh oh... She looked mad... Oh crap... "You killed my family my friends Kai Lloyd... Everyone. What's your problem?!" Alex yelled.

"It's time for you to be taught a lesson Cole... Say goodbye to your life Cole… You're going to wish that you were never born… You Monster…
……………………………………………… Again sorry for another short chapter... Maybe I just want to keep you guys waiting… Lol. What's gonna happen next? Who will win? Poor Kai... Bye! See ya! Love ya!
-Nae Nae

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