Black Hearted Ninja

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Jay's POV
Ok... So..  Cole is now all evil and crap. He just killed Avery. And our guests. Everyone is scared to death. "Ok... Would someone please tell me... WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!" I yelled. "That was Cole." Kai said. Alex was walking back and fourth. "Sis... Calm down." I said. Alex just shook her head and kept going. Kai looked mad. He was holding Skylor close to him. "What do we do? We can't just hide in here forever!" Lloyd said. "Is that a challenge?" Alex asked. "Guys! Focus! We just almost got murdered by Cole!!" I yelled.

"Well what are we gonna do?!" Pixal asked. Zane was rubbing her back. "We need food! We need water!" Lloyd said. "What about a bathroom?" Kai asked. "Um.. Kai there's the bathroom behind you." Nya said pointing at it. Kai turned his head. "Oh Ok." Kai said.

Alex opened the door a little. We saw... Blood on the wall that was coming from downstairs. There was a note on the floor. Alex picked it up. "What dose it say?" Nya asked.

"Well... I guess this is it now... You guys must die..  One by one... It's the only thing I want.... I won't kill you guys if... I could marry Alex... Alex... I set you free... I killed Avery for you so you have to marry me... I know you still love me... You just won't face it...

Roses are red, violets are blue... You love me... I love you... Red is the blood... Blue is your tears... I could make it all go away... If you take my hand and marry me... You have to marry me... I'm doing this for you... I love you Alex.... You love me... Admit... You love me... You look so beautiful by the way.

You broke my heart... Ruined my life... Made me cry every single night... Proud of yourself?...

I love you... And you shut me out and went with Avery!!.. But that's ok because... Love makes you do crazy things... I forgive you... I love you...

So you make your choice... Marry me... Or your friends die...

Love you Jayline!

P.s. Remember... I'm your.... Black Hearted Ninja.....

Ok ok. I know way too short chapter. I promise the next chapter will be longer. Today is my birthday so after I publish this I'm going to be gone. I'm going to be gone with my family. I don't know where it's a surprise so... I'll see You lovely people later! Bye! See ya! Stay Awesome!
-Nae nae ;)

My Black Hearted Ninja {Book 1} Where stories live. Discover now