As Long As You're With Me

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Narrator's POV
Cole left Alex confused.... What just happen?! Is he ok?! What did I do?... I'm so sorry Cole!!!... I'm such a Idiot!!!! I'm so... Stupid!!!! My Heart Wants You... And I Deny It.... Why do I have to be so confusing?!

Alex decided that it was time to go home. Once she came home everyone was staring at her. Jay looked mad... Uh oh... "Where the hell have you been?!" Jay asked. "The Rose Tree." Alex answered. "Do you know what time it is?! It's 10:00 at night!!!" Jay yelled. Dang that's how long me and Cole "talked"?! Alex asked herself.

"Jay calm down. I'm home so cool it." Alex warned. Jay looked at Alex's neck... It had a Hickey!!! Uh oh... "What the hell!!!" Jay yelled. "What?!" Alex asked in fear. "You... Have... A... Freaking... HICKEY!!!!" Jay said as he pointed at Alex's neck.

Alex's eyes widened. She remember Cole giving her a Hickey. Oh... No... Alex's face turn red as she was remembering Cole giving her that hickey.

"Who... The... Hell... Gave You that!??!?" Jay yelled. Alex rolled her eyes. She already got annoyed. "If I tell you, you'll get piss and kick his butt." Alex said. "Jayline Alex Walker you better tell me who gave you that hickey right now." Jay warned.

"Or what?!" Alex asked annoyed. Jay tightened his fist in lightning a shot it at a tree through a window. "Or... You're... Grounded!!!!!" Jay yelled. "I'm 18  years old!!! You can't ground me!!!" Alex yelled. She was getting angry too.

"I don't care if your 18!!! I'll still ground you!!" Jay yelled. Alex gave in. "Fine! Then ground me!!!" Alex yelled as she ran upstairs to her room. Jay's face turned red in anger.

"JAYLINE!!!!!!!" Jay yelled. Jay was running upstairs to get Alex. "Leave me alone!!!!" Alex warned. "No!!! Not until you tell me who gave you that hickey!!!" Jay yelled. Alex started to get angry. "Jayson I swear if you say one more thing about my hickey then I'm GOING TO KICK YOUR @$$!!!!" Alex yelled.

"No I'm GOING TO KICK YOUR @$$!!!!" Jay yelled. "That's it!!!" Alex got mad and tackled Jay to the ground. "Alex!!!" Jay yelled. Alex was slapping Jay. Jay grabbed Alex and started to slap her too. "You take it back!!" Alex said. "No! You take it back!!!" Jay said. "Not until you do it first!!!" Alex yelled. "No! You do it first!!!" Jay yelled. Kai and Lloyd had to break them up.

Kai had Alex and Lloyd had Jay. "Let me go Kai!!" Alex yelled. "No!!" Kai said. "ENOUGH!!!" Wu yelled at the two lightning siblings. They both looked up at him. "You're both grounded!!!" Wu said. "What?! Why?!" Jay & Alex whined. "Because!! Alex you have a hickey! You won't tell us who gave it to you!! Jay!! You and your sister are fighting again!!!" Wu yelled. The siblings were silent for a minute... They both said sorry to Wu. Wu sent them to they're rooms.

Alex was upset... She didn't know what to do. Just then Alex saw Cole staring at her through her window. Cole looked away real quick... What was that about?! Alex though about talking to Cole. So she of course went to go talk to him.

She knock on his door. No answer. She knocked again. Cole opened the door. "What?" Cole asked his voice was all dry. "We need to talk." Alex said. "There's nothing to talk about." Cole said. Alex laughed sarcastically. "Sure. Now can we talk?... Please?" Alex begged.

Cole didn't want to see her... He loves her too much... She hurt him... Cole loves her still... So he let her in. She seemed tired, she had bags under her eyes. "Thank you." Alex said. Cole only nodded.

My Black Hearted Ninja {Book 1} Where stories live. Discover now