Chapter 23

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"Yah, girls. Do it faster. The practice is about to start!" Nayeon said to her younger members.

Jihyo looked at the clock. "It's already 3:00 p.m!" Jihyo said while finding something.

"Chae, have you seen my black high cut?" Jihyo asked Chaeyoung who is facing the mirror.

"No, eonni. I haven't seen it." Chaeyoung answered.

"Are you done there? Can you please help me look for it?" Jihyo pleased Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung politely followed Jihyo. She was looking under the table, the shoe rack and everywhere.

Until she went and look under the sofa and she finally found the shoes.

"Eonni! Here it is!" Chaeyoung hurriedly went to Jihyo and was about to give the shoes but she noticed something under it.

She removed the paper, no, it was a picture.

A picture of a little boy together with a little girl who is really familiar to her. "Is this Sana eonni?" She asked to herself.

"What is that Chae?" Jihyo said and Chaeyoung startled.

Chaeyoung hurriedly hide the picture on his back. "Nothing eonni. Here's your shoes."

Jihyo looked at her confusedly and Jihyo get the shoes and walked away.

Chaeyoung looked at the picture again. "It's really Sana eonni. But I wander who is this boy."

"Everybody done? Let's run now!" Jungyeon shouted and Chaeyoung keep the picture on her wallet and ran outside the room.

At the auditorium...

"Where is TWICE? They are already late for 15minutes!" The staff of the contest said.

"We're here!" Jihyo said. Everybody bowed down. "We are very sorry for being late. There are some conflicts came that's why we didn't come in time. We are very sorry." Once again, they bowed down.

"Don't you know that we can't start because you're still not here?!" The staff yelled at them.

Twice just got their heads down and just listened on what the staff said.

Everyone was looking at them and they are very embarrassed.

"They already explained. Why do you still need to yell?" Someone talked back at the staff and everyone get the attention.

Twice got their heads up and looked for the person who said that.

"Who are you to talk to me like that? Huh?!" The staff asked that person.

The person went up stage where the staff who is yelling is.

"Well, I am Im Jae-Bum. GOT7's leader." The staff swallowed his saliva.

"I can go to our manager and tell him to fire you. You don't have a good manners. I was thinking that you are asking why we are here, right?" JB smirk.

"We are here to join the contest. To enjoy. But we are going to join fairly. F-A-I-R." JB said and the staff bowed down and say sorry to JB.

"Don't say sorry to me. To them." JB pointed where the Twice was.

JB went back to his old position and the staff who is being rude to Twice say sorry to them.


"Oh no. What to do? We are very late eonni." Tzuyu said Jihyo.

We walked fast as we can but we are still late.

When we entered the auditorium, we heard that someone is looking for us.

Jihyo hurriedly raised her hand and talked. "We're here!" We all bowed down to give respect. "We are very sorry for being late. There are some conflicts came that's why we didn't come in time. We are very sorry." Jihyo explained and once again, we bowed down.

"Don't you know that we can't start because you're still not here?!" The staff yelled at us and we are very shocked.

There is nothing we can do but just got our heads down and just listened on what the staff said.

Everyone was looking on us and we are very embarrassed.

"They already explained. Why do you still need to yell?" Someone talked back at the staff and everyone get the attention. Especially us.

I, or let us say, we, got our heads up and looked for the person who said that.

"Who are you to talk to me like that? Huh?!" The staff asked that person.

The person went up stage where the staff who is yelling is.

I was freezed. I was freezed on what I saw.

And he is truly alive....

"Well, I am Im Jae-Bum. GOT7's leader." The staff swallowed his saliva.

Im.... Im Jae-Bum?

I feel someone hands on my shoulder. "Eonni, are you okay?" It's Dahyun.

I didn't answer. I don't know if I am okay or not.

I am now going to cry. I want to run on him and hug him but I held myself.

I held myself not to gain another attention on everyone.

I can't focused on their conversation on stage. I am now on the other world.

Thinking again if he still remember me.

"Sana, what are you doing?"

"Huh?" I didn't also noticed that my other member are bowing to the staff who acted rude to us.

"Sorry eonni." I said to Nayeon eonni and I quickly bowed down.

After some conversation with that staff, we finally start the practice and my eyes and myself can't focus on anything.

sorry for this short chapter. I hopw you still like it. I am very sorry for not updating for so long.

I love you all!
- adorable_monster

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