Chapter 24

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Everyone was so nervous.

This is the contest they are waiting for.

Now, everyone was waiting on the backstage.

"Momo! Sana!" All of them looked back and they saw Mimi.

"Mimi eonni!" They all hugged.

"Long time no see eonni." Jihyo smiled and everyone agreed.

"Well, everyone knew what is happening. And this is it." Nayeon said.

"Well, yeah. Guys, I just wanted to say goodluck on you. And goodluck to us too. Hehe. I need to go back on my group. I'll see you after this. Okay?" Mimi said and she left.

While on GOT7's side, Jinyoung was looking at his phone and seems that he is texting someone.

"Hyung, I thought you left your phone at the room?" Bambam said.

Jinyoung hurriedly hid his phone.

"I forgot." He said.

JB looked back. "Who is that, Jinyoung?"

"Nothing hyung." Jinyoung answered.

"Good evening everyone!" The MC started. "This is the night that everyone is waiting for. Our contestants are now very nervous at the backstage. Who will be the grand champion this night? Or let us say, what groups will be having a chance to go to JYP Entertainment?!"

The MC paused. "Okay, get ready everyone!"

The MC introduced the judges.

And now, it's starting.

Sana's POV

"Let us welcome, Oh My Girl!" The MC said.

"Omo! It's Mimi eonni's group!" Tzuyu shouted.

We all gathered near the stage to see their performance and it was soooo good!

After their performance, Mimi eonni went directly to their room to relax.

We'll going to see her after this.

There is 25 contestants. We're going to perform at number 18.

I am so nervous now.

I was catching my breath when someone handed me a bottle of water.

"Th-thank you." I smiled a little and he smiled too.

"Are you from Twice?" I slowly nod while opening the bottle of water.

"I'm Moonbin." He handed his hand to me and we shake hands. "I'm Sana."

We both smiled. "We're going to perform now. See you later!"

"Ah, yes. Thanks again. Good luck!" I said and he left.

"Contestant #15! Please welcome, Astro!" The MC said. Ah, he's from Astro.

"Who is he, Sana?" Jungyeon eonni asked.

"He's Moonbin. We have just met. He handed me this water." I answered her.

I was looking at her and I saw her with her teasing look. "What eonni?"

"I think he likes you." She grinned.

My eyes got big. "Yah! What are you talking about? He just handed me a bottle of water eonni. I think, he just wanted to be friends."

Jungyeon eonni just laugh.

Astro have just finished performing. There were two more and we're next.

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