19: Night Out

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Sherlock: His idea of a fun night out would be to go out and solve crimes with you then have some take away food afterwards. He would spend an hour being clever in front of you and the police while taking some of your observations then earn himself a reward from you that way. It was adorable what he would do to impress you, even if it was something he always did like speed-deductions. The take away food was also pretty good, but it wasn't the highlight of the night.

Moriarty: He loved spoiling you, so there would be a newly bought and expensive outfit waiting for you with a note to get ready. Jim left instructions on his note, usually having you prepare yourself and meet him in one of his luxury cars before going to an up-scale restaurant. The criminal became an absolute, perfect gentleman for you.

Lestrade: Greg liked taking you over to his favorite pub near his work building and watch football matches on their telly. The owner was really nice to both of you and personally knew Greg so he would ensure that the food or drink you ordered would be good. It was always fun, unless of course at least one of you was wasted. Then the next morning would be torture.

Mycroft: Being more of a secluded type, Mycroft would find a more private venue to spend time with you in. There was a private chef making dinner for the both of you and an elegant arrangement of decor around the building. It wasn't that he wanted to hide you, but more that he was keeping you safer by keeping your relationship more secretive. Anyone that wanted to mess with him could've easily targeted you if it was more public and you understood why Mycroft would arrange private nights out together.

Molly: Something that both of you liked to do together during the evening was to visit cafes late at night. The quieter settings of coffeehouses would be brighter at the late time and it was fun to stroll through the city in the moonlight. The delicious pastries and energizing cups of coffee would keep you awake throughout the night. Neither of you wanted to go home and sleep during these kinds of nights.

Irene: She loved dressing up for an occasion and attend or host high-class events within the city. Irene would try to pull pranks secretly on the guests she didn't quite like as much just for amusement and utilize your assistance every time. It was funny to see the wealthy, poised, fashionable people stumble and break their façades of inhuman perfection.

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