71: Airport

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Sherlock: It'd been an hour since you first arrived at your flight gate and Sherlock had become impatient. He kept walking up to the desk and asking if they could start boarding early because anyone who arrived late could just come on at a later time. Each time, the airport employee would politely tell him no and send him back to sit beside you.

"Hey, impatient one." You called to him as he was about to get up again.


"I'm going to the bathroom, please don't bother the people working while I'm gone. We need to get on that flight and that's going to be difficult if they kick you out for pestering them as much as you are." You warned as you stood up from the seat to go to the bathroom.

Once you finished up in the bathroom and returned to the gate, Sherlock had vanished. Having enough time to wander around the airport in search of him, you got up and walked at a ridiculously fast speed to find the detective. Luckily, it wasn't hard to miss his unique coat and curly hair sitting at the airport bar. He was downing a glass of some brown liquid and didn't even notice you walking up to him.

"Let's go, Sherlock." You said with a smirk and pulled him away from the counter. He was honestly a child in an adult's body when it came to patience - testing situation like airports.

John: The time difference was getting to John on the way back home from vacation since it was about 9 hours apart. You had a connecting flight and had to stop someplace for a gap period of 4 hours, 8:30 am local time  but 2am in the time zone you were coming from. The bags under your eyes clearly revealed the exhaustion you felt but you were, miraculously, still awake. John, however, was falling asleep every other minute and acting incredibly pissy- which was pretty funny to watch.

"Alright, alright! I'm getting my watch off! Geez, calm yourself down and be patient." John whined through the security checkpoint as the officer tried to get him to hurry up.

"Please, sir, there's a long line of people behind you that need to get through security too." She persuaded him.

"Sorry, he's not a morning person. Nor very good at traveling between time zones." You apologized for him.

After struggling through the various checks and security procedures, you both arrived at the designated gate. John immediately settled into a chair and fell asleep until boarding time.

Moriarty: "Oops, forgot my pockets." Jim shrugged to the security officer after setting off the scanner.

Your heart was pounding out of your chest; how could this infamous criminal get through the airport so calmly as if he was a normal person? You could feel sweat stains forming under your arms. Jim was so calm. He made it through perfectly fine after removing a few coins from his pockets. Somehow, you made it through as well. The officers didn't notice your anxious state as you walked through the metal detector.

Jim immediately picked up all your items and wrapped one of his arms behind you. He could tell that the security was bothering your nerves and felt the need to help you.

"Alright, love?" He spoke softly with his dark eyes trained on you.

"How do you get through every time?" You questioned.

"I have tricks that hide the illegal stuff from the machines. Pretty simple actually." He winked and led you both over to your gate.

Lestrade: Neither of you had eaten since 12 hours ago. After passing two checkpoints of security and showing your tickets fifty times to airport workers, you were starving. Greg was pouting about it too. Both of your stomachs were creating a chorus of rumbling. The flight was ridiculously early and so you couldn't force yourself to eat anything in the áss-crack of dawn. Now you wish you did.

"Must we find our terminal first? Why can't we just go eat food right now?!" You whined.

"Trust me, I'm dying of hunger too but let's find it first just in case it's located somewhere else. Better not to miss our flight." Greg reasoned.

"You're right but I can't get food off my mind. Can we go any faster?"

"Yeah. I think I see it over there anyways, not far off. Let's just go get something to eat."

"Wonderful. I want to eat everything available because I haven't eaten since 9 of last night and it's 9 in the morning. I have been awake for 6 hours without eating anything. I feel weak...and like I made a very bad decision." You told him, speed walking all the way to the closest fast food restaurant in the airport.

Mycroft: You were surprised the first time you vacationed together that Mycroft was allowed to skip lines of security, customs, and passport checks. He simply showed his documents and an airport official would guide him quickly to the gate he needed to be at for the flight. You shyly followed behind him the first time it occurred and were escorted the massive airport like a celebrity.

"Mycroft, are you sure this is allowed? I've never seen anyone do this before..." You questioned.

"Yes- I'm a government official and get to skip ahead. God forbid I'm late to any place so they make sure everything works out quickly and efficiently. Is there a problem, dear?" He replied.

"No. I'm just not used to it." You shrugged.

"Well, get ready to be treated like a famous person because these people are afraid of failing someone of my position."

"O-okay...can't promise that I'll get used to it though."

Molly: Miss Hooper was excited to be flying out of London, almost bouncing with joy. She was like a child in a candy shop who'd already consumed half a giant lollipop. It took all of her restraint to stop herself from talking any more than she already was.

"I just can't believe that we'll be in a completely different country! And so quickly- just a few hours! I'm just nervous for when the plane takes off, I've heard that accidents are more likely to happen during take-off than in flight..." She babbled.

"Molly, everything will be alright." You chuckled.

"Really? Have you ever flown in a plane before? I haven't so I don't know what to-" She continued.

"Shh, everyone's going to be looking at us like we're the crazy people who don't know how to sit quietly in an airport terminal." You hushed.

An apologetic look appeared on her face and she blushed red. Afterwards, she only whispered to you when she felt the need to say something of importance.

Irene: "Are you kidding me?!" You mentally shouted.

The airport officers decided to push you into a random security check and spend extra time to make sure you weren't doing anything illegal. Irene was supposed to meet you from anything business trip but this check was going to screw it all up. It was delaying you from reaching your flight.

You say in their simple room and stared at them with a grouchy expression. They were too busy looking through your documents and passport to notice it.

"Why are you going from here to London?" The mustached man questioned.

"Because I live there."

"Then why were you here?"

"Business trip."

"What company do you work for?"

"I don't see why this matters! Let me go home! I'm not carrying very much luggage and none of it is suspicious."

By the time they finished questioning, your flight had left. You had to call Irene and inform her of the stupid officers that decided to keep you for too long in their dumb questioning room. She chuckled at your angry tone and told you everything would be fine. You immediately thought the opposite and bid her a goodnight before going to the hotel the airport paid for you to stay at since they caused you to miss the flight.

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