Back With My Brother!

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~Your POV~

    I was looking around but I couldn't find him. He told me his address. I knew he was going to school, but I don't know where. I just decided to find him at school so I went to the store to get some food. But then I ran into a boy with blonde hair. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" I said quickly. He turned around to see me. "Oh it's ok..." he said with his cute british accent.

~Grian's POV~

    I was getting my stuff from the store when a girl bumped into me. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" she said. I turned around to see who it was. She looked so cute. I blushed, but I don't think she noticed. "Oh it's ok..." I said. We were in a position where it looks like we were about to get married until Taurtis saw us.

"I got my stuff let's go- -Y/N!?" He exclaimed. Y/N was her name. It was pretty. She ran up to Taurtis and hugged him.

"Did you miss me?" she asked.

"Big time." said Taurtis.

"Oh! Wait we have to get to school before we're late!" You said while grabbing their hands and running to get to school.

We got to school just in time.

"We're here!" said Taurtis.

"Oh just on time." said Mrs Okami.

"We also have the new student with us." said Taurtis.

"Yes I was going to tell the whole class." said Mrs Okami. Taurtis Sam took their seats while Mrs Okami told the class something.

"Class today we have a new student. Please come in." Mrs Okami said. There a girl with H/C. She had a tiny bunny on her keychain. She looked really cute. She looked at me a bit, but turned her head. I don't think she was looking at me, though she was looking at the whole class. I felt like my heart was beating.

"Hello," she said. "I'm Y/N, I like Video games, art, and singing." She was strangely wearing a boy's top uniform and a navy blue skirt, with black knee high socks.

"Thank you, Y/N. Class treat Y/N like anyone else in this school." said Okami.

"Wow she's really pretty. Sookie do you think she could be with the cool kids?" asked Soul.

"I bet you she could." said Sookie looking at Her.

She sat behind Taurtis, but it was next to Grian, and in fount of Grian was Sam. Everyone was talking at Y/N and how cool/cute she was. I would agree with them, but I don't say anything. I think I could tell Sam wasn't interested in her. I can't tell with Taurtis, he seems not interested in her. Which is weird he always likes flirting with the girls.

~Your POV~
When I went inside the class. I got a quick look at the blonde boy again. I told the class a little about me. I didn't really think people would talk to me, but they did!? I just sat behind Taurtis, since he was my brother after all. The only person I know. It would be something negative, but it was them saying how pretty I was. If only they knew my dark side...

~RING RING! Lunch~
U didn't want to but I sat with my brother again. I wanted to be alone, but he wanted me to sit next to him. People looked at Taurtis and I. What we didn't notice is that they thought we were a couple.
"I know you aren't used to being with people, but you have us." Said Taurtis. I blushed not in a romantic way! It was because it felt weird, no one ever wanted to be with me. Taurtis had his "Toridos" and Mountain Dew. Sam had carrots and Mountain Dew. Grian has pocky. I had nothing. I didn't feel like eating.
"Taurtis?" Asked the blonde boy.
"Yes?" Taurtis replied.
"You asked the new girl to sit next to us?" Asked the blonde boy.
"Why not? She was lonely." Taurtis replied.
"Yeah, but that's so unlike you?" Said Grian.
"Whatever. Anyways Y/N?" Asked Sam. I looked at Sam.
"You said you like singing right?" Asked Sam.
"Yeah... but I suck at it." I said.
"No you don't!" Said Taurtis.
"Awwww!" Some of the girls said. I got a bit mad, but continued to stare at Grian.
"Why are you starting at me?" Asked Grian blushing.
"Your Grian right?" I asked smiling.
"Ummm... yes?" He said.
"Well... I'm sorry about bumping into you at the store." I said.
"It's fine..." he said.
"So... your the 'British boy' from Britain?" I asked looking at him. Joking since Taurtis calls him that.
"Ok so?" He said blushing while eating his pocky.
"Nothing... it's just I think British accents are so cute." I said smiling. I think I made him blush, since I saw a lot of shade of red on his face. I was only joking.
(A/N: Doesn't anyone else agree?)
"T-T-Thanks..." He said still blushing. I giggled.

A/N: 841 pages!!! Omg. I think I should stop for there. Bye!

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