Chapter 15: Dinner with the Pirates

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CHAPTER 15: Dinner with the Pirates

I felt nervous. I wasn't sure if it was the bad kind because, of course, I would be dining with pirates or the good kind because I would be having dinner with Threy. I could probably just stay in my cabin but I would risk not eating anything for the night. I was hungry and it was a long night before sunrise. So, I took the cloth bag Erasmus gave me earlier containing some clothes I could use. Since he didn't see me in Borgian Island, he decided to get some clothes for me before going back to the Obsidian.

I was pacing in my small cabin when I heard a sound from the door. I wondered if it was a pirate whom Threy ordered to fetch me or if it was Erasmus with my dinner. As I opened it, I sighed in relief when I saw Roger on my doorstep licking its furry paw.

"Well, good evening, Roger. I think I could use your help."

He glanced at me for a short time and continued licking. He did not seem to be in the mood to talk. But there must be a reason why he was here, visiting me in my cabin so I simply continued talking to him.

"The Skull invited me for dinner. But it's not like what you think! It isn't a romantic dinner. For one, it's pretty obvious that he isn't into me. And the dinner is with the pirates, of course. If he wanted to have dinner with me – I mean, really, really wanted - he wouldn't have invited others aside from me, right? But it's making me uncomfortable and I wonder if I should go or just stay here and enjoy my safety. What do you think should I do?"

Roger simply continued licking his body like he didn't hear anything I said. I decided to rub his back which he seemed to enjoy.

"Okay, so if you 'meow' that means I shouldn't go because meow-ing and not going are easier. But if you stop licking your body and stare into my eyes, it means that I should go. So what do you think?"

I stopped rubbing his back and he stopped licking himself. A moment later, Roger stared into my eyes – almost as if he was staring into my soul – and it made me feel uncomfortable. I stood up and broke my connection to him.

"Sometimes, you and your kind are really creepy. I'll go change my clothes." I started to walk back to my cabin. But Roger followed me just before I could close the door.

"I said I'm going to change. Get out, Roger," I said.

But Roger simply walked to my desk and sat there looking at me. I rolled my eyes as I closed the door. He was just a cat. He wouldn't tell anyone he saw me without clothes on. I picked a casual outfit from the bag Erasmus gave me and started to undress.


I glanced at Roger while putting my clothes on and said, "You're such a pervert, Roger. I'll ask someone to arrest you and bring you to jail when I get back to the East Land."

"Meow." The only word Roger said. I didn't think it felt threatened. 

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