Chapter 5: Oh No!

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I woke up and turned around I expected Joe to lay next to me in his room, but to my surprise I lay on the couch. I sighed realising it was only a dream. I cursed under my breath before I made my way to the bathroom. Without thinking I opened the door and run into something. I looked up and saw Joe standing in front of me only in his boxers. I bit my lip and quickly apologized and almost run out of the bathroom. I was hoping he didn't caught me starring. I walked to Zoe's room and just when I was about to knock the door flew open and Zoe stood in front of me. Before I could say anything she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen. “What was that all about?” I giggled when I sat down. “He was teasing me” she pouted before she looked up at me and suddenly furrowed her brows. “Why are you blushing?” My eyes widened and I quickly started to stare at the floor. “Come on! Tell me!” I rolled my eyes. “I just walked into Joe in the bathroom.” Zoe burst out laughing and I buried my face in my hands. Right in this moment Joe walked into the kitchen. “Are you guys alright?” He raised and eyebrow looking at Zoe and me. I quickly nodded my head, making Zoe burst out laughing again. I growled before I got up and went into the bathroom.

When I got out Joe was gone, Zoe told me he had to work. I made myself a cup of tea and sat down opposite Zoe. “I had a weird dream tonight?” She looked up at me a bit confused. “What do you mean 'weird'?” “Actually it wasn't weird but so realistic and I never had such a dream before.” “Go on tell me. What happened?” I told her about the dream and I saw her grin growing wider and wider. “You, my dear, are completely in love with your best friend!” I furrowed my brows. “I guess I am. But what shall I do Zoe?” She smiled at me “You two need to spend some more time alone. I think Alfie and I should go out tonight and my parents aren't here as well, so you have the whole house for you” She winked before she got up.

Zoe and Alfie had gone out half an hour ago and Joe should come home any minute. I was sitting in the living room, when he walked in. “Hi there! Where is everyone?” I looked up at him smiling “Alfie and Zoe went to the cinema and your parents are visiting your grandparents remember?” He chuckled “Oh yeah.” “Hey do you want to watch a film? I'd love to see a horror film but you know how I am with those” He chuckled again before he furrowed his brows. “ Yeah I'd love to but I can't tonight I have to film a video with Chip, but tomorrow alright?” I nodded my head before he run up to his room. I sighed, awesome a night by myself.  

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