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Okay quite a few people have already left comments asking me for an update. And I'm sorry that I haven't updated in quite a while, but I got my reasons and I thought it would only be fair for you to know.

Lately I'm very frustrated and I don't know why and due to the fact that Uni is over now, I have too much time to think about it, which frankly isn't that good if you ask me, because I can't seem to figure out what frustrates me. What results in me being even more frustrated. A viscous circle, I know, what frustrates me even more, because I can't get out of it.

Being frustrated keeps me from writing, because I either can't get myself to write, or I fear that it would be horrible.

So I hope that I will be back to my usual self very soon, and I hope that you stay with me. I'm really sorry I understand how frustrating it is to wait for updates.

Much love xx

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