Chapter 9: I don't like this

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In the end we missed half of the film and decided to get something to eat instead. I was a bit dumbstruck by all the attention Joe got and to be honest it made me feel rather uncomfortable.

“That was crazy, Joe!” I finally stated, when we sat down in a pub. “It has been worse.” He chuckled, when he took off his jacket. I stared at him with wide eyes. Did I miss something? I mean, yeah, his chanel is pretty big, but there must have been about twenty girls swarming him at the cinema. “Close your mouth, before you catch flies.” Joe chuckled again, snapping me out my thoughts and I closed my mouth. “You should see us in America, they love British youtubers, they always find out where you are.” My eyes widened again. We changed the subject, but my thoughts always found their way back to all those girls. I was proud of Joe for being to successful and excited, that it made him so happy, but I started to think about my feelings towards his fans. 'His fans' it made me cringe, it feel weird thinking it.

“In two weeks, we'll to to Playlist Live in Florida, you should join us!” we were walking back to the car, when Joe asked me. I turned to face him “I'd love to, but I start my job next week and I can't take a week off after working for a week.” I giggled. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. “Damn job!” I giggled again and buried my head in his chest.

When we arrived back at their house, Zoe and Alfie were sitting in the living room. I cringed a bit when I heard them talking. Joe turned to me a nervous smile covering his face. “Ready?” I nodded my head quickly, before he pecked first my forehead, than my nose and at last my lips. We walked into the living room and their heads snapped in our direction, both with big smirked plastered on their faces. “Come on, start already!” I sighed and smiled at them. Zoe just smiled at us, while Alfie started to take a deep breath. I immediately started to furrow my brows, expecting something massive but he just shook his head “Zoe forbid me to say anything.”. This made us all burst out laughing.

I was standing in the kitchen with Zoe, while Alfie and Joe were playing video games. “Joe and me met some of his subscribers today.” She turned to face me and immediately saw how uncomfortable I was. “You didn't like it, did you?” I shook my head. “Don't get me wrong. I am happy that you all are so successful and loved and I understand that they want to talk to you, but everytime you go out?” I sat down on one of the chairs of the kitchen island. “I just don't want to be surround by a crowd everytime Joe and I go out.” I sighed, when I finally sat down. Zoe nodded her head. “Don't worry, you'll get used to it.” She smiled at me. “What if I don't want to though? I can't handle crowds you know that. A reason why I became a stylist and not a designer.” You buried your head in your hands. “So, you want to leave him?” My head snapped up and I looked at Zoe with a shocked expression. “God, no! I love Joe, Zoe I really do, I just don't know, how to handle all this.” Zoe smiled at me, before she walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. “You'll manage,love, you always do”  

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