Chapter 14: Confession II

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A/N: Rather short, but you guys were asking for it

He stared at me for what felt like ages, until a chuckle left Joe's mouth. “how can you even think that?” My eyes widened with surprise, what did he mean? He started laughing even more and I looked up at him. “Do you really think I would replace you?” I bit my lip in embarrassment. “The girl, I had a crush on for years, think that now that she is mine, I would replace her.” My eyes widened even more at his confession. “I-I...I don't know what I was thinking.” I looked at my hands, which soon were picked up by Joe, before he brought them to his lips and kissed each of my knuckles. “You drive me mad you know that right?” I giggled, before I turned serious one last time. “I really am sorry, Joe. I would take it all back if I could.” He stood up and knelt down next to my chair. “I know you would.” He pecked my lips, before talking my hand and pulled me up, so we were both standing. “I love you, Y/N. I always will.” before I could reply and tell him how much I love him, he smashed his lips against mine. I put as much passion in this kiss as I could, trying to show instead of tell him how I felt.

Joe and me decided to stay in instead of meeting the others for dinner. We were about to order pizza and cuddled up on the couch, before Zoe called us. At first we ignored her, trying to enjoy the time we had together, but after 5 missed calls on each phone, Joe answered. I could hear Zoe yelling through the phone, telling Joe what an idiot he is, for making her worry like that. I tried not to giggle, but Joe's face was just priceless. He didn't even say anything when he handed the phone to me. I was a bit scared. I didn't think that Zoe would yell at me, but I actually didn't want to risk it. I took the phone and looked at Joe questioningly, but he just shrugged. “Yeah?” I answered the phone. Zoe sighed. “You really couldn't pick up the phone, what were you and Joe doing” She stopped, I raised my eyebrow questioningly. After some time she gasped. “You two are back together! That's why you weren't answering!” My eyes widened. I mouthed a 'she knows' at Joe and he just shook his head chuckling. “So you two want to celebrate that only as a couple or do you want to join us!” Zoe cheered. I could hear Alfie in the back ground asking what there is to celebrate but Zoe just 'shushed' him. I covered the phone and turned to Joe. “You want to meet them for dinner or stick to our plan?” He sighed. “Up to you.” I looked at him, not very amused. I hated to make decisions, that's I asked him. “Oh come on! You know I hate to decided stuff like that!” He chuckled, before placing a kiss on my lips. He took the phone out of my hands. “Text me where and when Zoe, we might be a bit late though.” I smirked at him, when he hang up. He smirked as well and this smirk grew even wider, after he checked his messaged. He crawled over to me, so he was hovering over me. “We got an hour, let's make the most of it.” He winked, before smashing his lips against mine.  

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