Chapter 15: Italy

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“If we hurry, we can still make it in time.” I informed Joe, while trying to sort out my hair. He came up behind me, still smirking and wrapped his arms around my waist. He hummed a responds, while he peppered my neck with kisses. I turned around and pecked his lips, before I removed myself from his arms. I actually wanted to stay in his arms for forever, but let's face it, we told Zoe we would come, so we should go. I bit my lip and pecked his one last time, before I slipped on my coat and took his hand. I had to pull him a bit, before I turned around and walked closer to him again. “You know, you could stay here after dinner...I mean..if you are up for it.” I whispered seductively, before I pulled back. He bit his lips and his eyes were darker than before. “Let's get out of here, before I'm going to eat you... again.” Now it was my turn to bite my lip, I even could feel my cheeks heating up a bit, but before Joe could notice, I turned around and pulled him out of the flat.

Even though we would have had enough time to make it on time, we still managed to be bit late. I blame it on the very, very short make out sessions, we had now and than, earning either glares or 'oh, young love' comments. When we entered the restaurant, we were holding hands and huge smiles covered our faces. I could see Zoe trying to hold in that smirk that was forming on her lips, by biting them, while Alfie was not even trying to hide it. We sat down opposite them. “Where are the others?” Joe questioned, while he sat down. “They'll be here in a bit, still freshening up I guess.” Alfie told us, his face still covered with this huge grin. And frankly, his grin was contagious, 'cause I just couldn't stop grinning as well. “It's good to see you both so happy again.” Zoe smiled at us and Joe and me quickly glanced at eachother. “I know, I was really miserable before, wasn't I?” Joe chuckled. “You should have seen me.” I stated grinning.

After twenty minutes Jim, Tanya, Marcus and Naomi. We greeted eachother with hugs and Marcus introduced me to Naomi. I was actually meant to meet her at the airport, but than I decided to be a dick. They were talking about their trip to Italy, while we were waiting for our food. “You should join us you know!” Alfie turned to me. “At least for the convention, after that we won't want you.” I looked at Alfie offended, before I started to smile, knowing it was only a joke. “You don't want me?” I started to mockingly tear up, causing Joe and Alfie to laugh, the others were to engaged in their own conversation to pay any attention to us three. “When is it again?” I turned to Joe, who looked completely lost. “Oh, yeah, right. Remembering things, not your best quality.” Alfie burst out laughing, while Joe just glared at me, before he started laughing as well. “I just can't stay mad at you.” he whispered, before pecking my forehead. “The convention is next week.” Alfie awkwardly stated, ruining our little moment. “I'll think about it.”

After another few hours of laughter and food, we all decided to head home. Joe and me were walking to the the next underground, when I turned to him. “Do you want me to come to Italy?” He looked a bit confused. “Why wouldn't I?” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer into his side. “I'm just not sure, will it not be really awkward with all your fans and the crowds and I just don't know.” Joe chuckled a bit, making me raise my eyebrows in confusion. “We won't be able to avoid crowds forever, so the sooner the better, right?” I smiled at him. “Right.” He pecked my forehead. “We are going to Italy.” He grinned down at me. “We are going to Italy.” I grinned, before standing on my tiptoes placing a kiss on his lips.  

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