fourteen - cupid plays a wicked game

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Tuesday, February 14th.

Most know it as Valentine's Day, but I just knew it as a regular ol' day.

Couples crowded the halls, boys handing the girls flowers, cards, chocolates even. I just watched in awe, as Charlie was home sick. Not that he would've gotten me anything anyway, because I've never really spoken to him about whether I like chocolates or flowers.

Carnations were my favorite though, and dark chocolate was extravagant.

He texted me this morning saying he apologizes not being there for his girl on this special day. I had replied with it's fine because I didn't want him to think I would be greatly affected. We've been "together" for only a month so I couldn't complain, but in all honesty, it was really sad seeing all these lovey-dovey couples.

I closed my locker, deciding being in this hallway any longer may cause serious chest pains.

Charlie was out with the flu, so it wasn't even like I would see him later, because I don't know about you, but I really didn't feel up for getting sick.

I huffed as I entered my first period, already feeling the agonizingly slow day approaching me.

Lillian and Calum walked in a few minutes later today; not all surprising. They sat in their regular seats, Lillian in front of me and Calum near his friends, but even though they were on opposite sides of the room, you could practically feel the sexual tension in the room.

I leaned forward in my seat and tapped her on the shoulder. "Why were you late today?"

She looked over her shoulder with a wicked grin before winking my way. I sat back in my seat and groaned. It was way too early for this.

And as I stated before, today was going to be painstakingly slow, and just an all around bad day. I had a pop quiz not only in my first period class, but then the next two classes after that. Time ticked ever so slowly, mocking my will to be here. And it felt like I was, even though I pray to God I hope not, getting sick.

I sat down in the cafeteria, across from Lillian, placing my head down on the table.

"You feeling alright?" She asked, taking a sip of her water.

"No," I sighed, rubbing my temples.

"You look paler than usual. You should get home," she talked, feeling my forehead for a fever.

"I would, but I really can't afford missing any work."

She gave me a blank stare before standing up from the table, and pulling me up with her.

"What're you doing?"

"Taking you to the nurse so she can send you home. Sammie, you're burning up," she reasoned, walking me out of the cafeteria and to the direction of the nurse.

"But, I can make it through the rest of the day, I promise." I tried stopping in the hallway, but she was stronger than me. She just pulled me along with more strength.

"I'll get you you're blasted work, but you are going home," she grunted. Lillian pushed open the door to the nurse and sat me down on one of the beds.

A nurse came over to me seeing what was wrong. Common cold was all; But she still made sure I was sent home.

Lillian being the nice, and threatening person she is, made sure to drive me home herself, not trusting me to call my mom or brother.

She pulled up to my house and hopped out, dragging me inside.

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