12. He likes Me

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Vanessa's POV:
Cameron rarely gets mad, but one thing he hates is when people talk about him that he knows.
After all, he gets enough hate online.
When the boys went outside, I cautiously crept up against the window.
As I listen to their conversation, I feel my cheeks begin to blush.

Shawn Mendes wrote a song about me.
Shawn Mendes likes me.

Plus, Cam just told him that I like him.
I don't even know if I do for sure. Well I definitely do a bit but I'd never let him know.
I hear the door open again and quickly run back to the kitchen. I pick up my drink and act as though I didn't hear.

"V, are you okay? You look really flustered."

"Huh, oh yeah wow it's hot in here let's go back upstairs."


We all go back to my room and I put on a film whilst the boys mess about on their phones.

That night

For bed, I put on one of Cameron's merchandise sweatshirts and some shorts.
Everyone gets into bed. Within seconds Cam is asleep on the sofa but, I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about what I heard earlier...

Now I know her name 💗 [ A Shawn Mendes Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now