33. Incredibly

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Crap Vanessa!
Pull yourself together.
You have Aaron now.
You can't have Shawn.

These are all thoughts that cross through my mind as I rummage through my wardrobe to find something to wear.
I don't want him to think I'm trying to impress him but I do...

Argh why is this so hard?!

"I give up!" I cry throwing everything on the floor and falling on my bed.

A tear slips down my cheek.
I long to be held in Shawn's arms.

I mean Aaron's.

I don't know what I mean. Another tear falls.
That's it.

I stand up, wipe my cheeks and get ready.

"I'm gonna look hot af"

I re-assure myself, revealing a little black jumper dress.
Simple but I have to admit it looks pretty good on me.
I curl my hair and put on my make up.
I slip into my nude heels and get ready to go.

There is a knock on my door.
I take a deep breath and go over.

As I place my hand on the door handle I breathe once more and open the door.

Shawn stands there.

No words leave his mouth nor mine.
Gosh he looks good.
He gets better looking by the minute I swear.
My breath is taken away merely by his sight let alone his voice.

Shawn's POV:
How does she expect me to hold myself back when she looks like that?
I can barely speak.

She is stunning and my heart longs to feel her lips against mine once again.
However, I'm aware that I couldn't do that to her or Aaron even.
Though again, they aren't dating...

I shake my head slightly, snapping out of my daze.
As I do, I notice that Vanessa is in one also.
Maybe she is feeling the same...

As much as I'd love to just admire her, I finally speak.
I just manage to say her name.

Her eyes move towards mine. God I want her.
I missed those big beautiful brown eyes.

"You look.... Incredible"

Incredible - incredibly more like. Incredibly : hot, stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, perfect.
I could go on for days.

She pushes a strand of hair behind her ear.
Her cheeks blushing still.

"Thank you Shawn, you too."
She smiles sweetly.

As she says my name I feel my heart skip a beat. There is something in the way she says it that I just adore.
Or maybe is just the fact that I adore her and she is the one saying it.
But regardless it gives me chills.

"So what's the plan" I say; still frozen to the spot just out side of her door.

"Follow me" she winks.

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