18. Goodbyes

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Vanessa's POV:
After the water fight, we all dry off and lay down on the sand to watch the sun set.
Cameron was on his phone, texting.
He didn't even notice Shawn and I get up and walk over to where the sea crashed against the shore.
I breathe in the fresh air.

Shawn's POV:
I turn around to check that Cam was still engulfed in his phone and the pull Vanessa into me.
I push my lips onto hers and feel the sparks fly.
I don't know what me and Vanessa are or what we will be but what I do know is that I am enjoying this moment.

Two weeks later

Today is the last day that I'm staying at Vanessa's.
I don't know how I feel or what is going to happen.
The last couple of days things have just been off.
I think we have both been anxious about today.
It's not even as if we are an official couple but already, I can feel my heart shattering at the thought of not being around her.

I walk down the stairs with my bags in hand and place them by the door.
I see Vanessa sitting silently on her phone.
I go over to her and rest my hand on her chair.

"Erm V..."
I mumble.


She doesn't even look at me.
I want her to.
I want to ask her to come with me and be mine but I know that that isn't fair so I am just going to say good bye.

"Thanks for everything"

I smile weakly.

"No problem - see ya whenever"

She still won't look at me.


I turn back towards the door and head to the bathroom so that neither her or Cam will see that I'm hurting.
I don't want this to be made difficult.
At least not anymore than it already is.

Vanessa's POV:
Today Shawn and Cam are leaving.
These past few weeks have meant everything to me. It's not like Shawn and I  are even a couple but I know I've fallen for him...
As he says goodbye, I can't bare to see his face.
I know that if I look at him, I will cry.
Instead I put on a front and simply say goodbye.
To be honest I don't know what I suspected to happen in the end. He lives to far away and has better things to do than wait and be with me.
After Shawn walks off, Cameron comes over to say goodbye.
I fake a smile for him.
I refuse to let him see my pain either.

Shawn's POV:
I look at my reflection.
Pull it together.
I run the tap and splash my face. People fall in love and move on all the time right?.. 
I dry my face and step back out into the hall way.

"Dude you ready?" Cam yells.

I turn back to look at Vanessa.
As soon as we make eye contact she turns her head and with that I swallow the hurt and leave all of our memories replaying in my mind.

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