31. Wait

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Vanessa's POV:
"You'll call me when you land right" I say hugging him tight.

"V, yes but I'll be fine" Aaron pulls back kissing my cheek.
"I'll miss you" he says running his thumb across my bottom lip before placing a kiss there.

We begin to make out but Cam presses down on the car horn making me jump.
I put my middle fingers up at him as I kiss Aaron one more time before he gets into the car.
"Wait for me?"

My heart stops a little.

"If you do wait for me"
I reply.

I stand with my arms crossed biting on my lip as they drive away.
Aaron blows me a kiss as they turn the corner and I head back inside.

I post on my snapchat that I'm home alone. (Since my mum is away and now so is Aaron)

I sit down on the sofa and ponder on what I should do.

I choose to dance.

It's what I do whenever I'm bored.
As I press play on my phone - connecting it too my speaker I hear a knock on the door.

Seriously! I think.

I yell stopping the music only just as it starts.

I run to the door and open it expecting a post man or something just plain irritating.

My heart stops and I gasp for air.

I can't breathe.
My eyes open wide.

"Shawn" I say softly.

"Hey Vanessa, I er... Saw your snapchat" he says as he runs his hand across his neck.

My mind is buzzing.
Do I welcome him in or turn him away.
What would Aaron say?
I just don't know...
I literally just told him I would wait for him - didn't I?

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